View Full Version : What are your physical symptoms?

09-25-2018, 10:33 AM

My anxiety has returned and I went to the doctor and I'm told my physical symptoms are just from anxiety.

What physical symptoms do you get from your anxiety or depression?


Throat tightens
Disoriented (dizziness) I guess that's not very physical
Body gets really hot
Random body parts itching (apparently it's caused by stress)

How about yall?

09-25-2018, 10:50 AM
Hi there! My anxiety just recently flared back up as well. My symptoms are: feeling numb in my arms and legs, feeling like I can’t breathe, hot flashes, crackling of my joints and the list goes on and on but that’s what I have noticed here today. I hope you get to feeling better. I dislike this mess as well. It’s vedy scary

09-25-2018, 10:56 AM
Hi there! My anxiety just recently flared back up as well. My symptoms are: feeling numb in my arms and legs, feeling like I can’t breathe, hot flashes, crackling of my joints and the list goes on and on but that’s what I have noticed here today. I hope you get to feeling better. I dislike this mess as well. It’s vedy scary

Sorry to hear that. It's weird trying to discuss these symptoms with my fiance. She doesn't understand what anxiety can actually do. She is supportive though.

09-25-2018, 03:18 PM
My husband is the same way. He gets frustrated and thinks I’m crazy but they are so real.

09-25-2018, 03:31 PM
My husband is the same way. He gets frustrated and thinks I’m crazy but they are so real.

You're not crazy! We just worry a lot :) lol

09-26-2018, 09:01 AM
So much ugh LOL everything little pain we go to freaking out. Lol

09-29-2018, 02:19 PM
So much ugh LOL everything little pain we go to freaking out. Lol

Yea and the weird thing is we KNOW it's just anxiety. But our brains like to try and convince us otherwise.

10-01-2018, 12:49 PM
Sometimes when I get nervous, my hands tremor.

And then at other times when I get nervous, my hands don't shake despite being nervous.


I don't know.

10-23-2018, 11:03 PM
When my anxiety was at it's worst I suffered the following "physical" symptoms:

Extreme headaches, usually 10-15 a day. I couldn't think straight.
Tight throat, felt like being strangled
Electric shocks through my body.
Numbness, especially in my hands and legs but occassionally in my face. Thought I could be having a stroke.
Extreme light headedness, couldn't walk in straight line.
Joint Pains, like arthritis.
Extreme hot and cold, at the same time, kind of like having a fever but my temperature was normal.
Deep cough.

One evening I woke up in the middle of the night paralyzed. It only lasted a few secs but felt like an eternity.

bad as this stuff sounds, it was actually pleasant compared to the mental symptoms.