View Full Version : Still a useless forum

Boo Bass
09-14-2018, 04:58 AM

It's been many months since I last logged in and it's great to see that Ponder, Delilah and Gypsy Queen aren't posting anymore although I do hope they are ok.

I'd post if I wasn't in such an awful state myself but to be honest, these MH online forums are of little use to most.

Sorry to sound so negative. Try

09-15-2018, 06:04 PM
still being yourself boo bass, the frustrated small b?
everyone is dandy, imagine we keep in touch and it is happening for years,

Boo Bass
09-15-2018, 11:32 PM
Damn it Delilah youse still here. This thread didnt deserve a reply.

At least Road 2 Recovery is still here. he is always helpful and supporting but could do with some help.

09-16-2018, 10:57 AM
no Deliah but Dahila babe
was that you who was hooked so much into Ponder? at least this was my impression

Boo Bass
09-16-2018, 07:36 PM
"Forgive me Delilah I just cannot take any more"

Justin Bieber

It's good you writing quotes because then nobody can see how bad your English is

Ponder and Gypsy Queen quit because they realized they were just giving opinions vary which weren't very helpful. There's no point being on a MH forum if you don't support people. You only post to criticize or contradict. It's time you quit too. Not that anyone cares

09-16-2018, 07:42 PM
Boo Bass you must be very proud of yourself,,,,, aren't you? Very smart, very creative in your bitchiness. I started to learn the language when I was over 40 , and I do not care about your opinion. You are nothing to anyone here, Ponder and Gypsy did not quit , BTW I speak, write,read using 5 languages :)

Boo Bass
09-17-2018, 10:58 PM
Hi Polly

Wow you have an excellent memory, far better than mine.

I don't dislike Gypsy, I even have her private email but haven't corresponded for a while.

The only point for putting up this silly topic was to see if those three individuals were still active here. They posted so much, especially Ponder, that I thought they were putting other people off posting. But it seems I was wrong, this forum is even quieter now than it was then.

I sent an apology to Dahila but put on the wrong thread. I am still in jail and struggling.

How are you by the way? You haven't posted much but nobody is saying you have to.


09-18-2018, 05:28 PM
Hey Boo Bass, good to hear from you. Sorry to hear of your struggles...I can't even imagine how stressful of a circumstance that is to be in. While my situation I'm sure isn't anywhere near as stressful as yours, I can empathize on some level with high stress. In April, My wife decided to have an affair. Once I discovered it and confronted her, she then abandoned me, even though I offered her forgiveness and told her I wanted to work things out and attend marriage counseling. But even despite this, she proceeded to continue the affair and then filed for divorce. Since then, it's been a long process of legal issues, the home selling process, adjusting to living on my own, and a lot of other things. I've had to work extra hard on my recovery techniques throughout all of this, as some days have been very rough. Again - it's nowhere near what you're going through im sure, but I can relate on some smaller level.

I think there is some good information and bad information that comes out of all forums, not just this one. Bad information is basically inevitable when you have a bunch of imperfect people from different walks of life sharing their perspectives and belief systems. It's always a good idea to do your homework if someone gives you some advice to follow.

Anyway, feel free to send me a PM if you'd like to talk some more. I might be able to offer some tips to help you manage your stress.


Boo Bass
09-18-2018, 07:14 PM
Hi Polly and Jordan

Thanks so much for your nice replies. I feel stupid for putting this thread up and needlessly slandering people but at least some good has now come out of it. I'll send you both PMs in the near future,at the moment I'm incapable of doing most things. I got dengue fever which made everything worse and haven't recovered from that.