View Full Version : can Hypochondria cause real symptoms ?

08-30-2018, 08:08 AM
Okay so since june i had this urine hesitancy on and off it often burn when i started to pee and a delay in starting. So i went to Urgent care the first time. in june there said the urine test came out fine nothing found. okay they gave me a few days of medication to help okay i was back to normal a few days later. Now the urine hesitancy came back last weekend and mention to my doctor and says nothing to worried about and give a call back if the problem coutines and it did so i call Friday and he gave me tips take . aawarm bath shower and gave me an choice for seeing a urologist which i am in Oct best appoiment they had open. So i had bas back pain last night and still had trouble urine so i went to urgent care. i was nervous but it seem like my symptoms almost wenr away epcpect the back pain. thats gone today and i did an another urine sample and still the same looks goo. nothing was found so they gave me the same medication last time. today is better ,still a little trouble starting but not bad. could this be due to anxiety ? I find it straange that symptoms got better at urgent care

08-30-2018, 08:41 AM
Obstructive voiding symptoms, dysuria can point to an underlying issue, but that's why they did a urinalysis in the workup. If those tests show normal, especially if normal multiple times, then that's good!

The burning can be from even such simple things as after sex - sometimes the lube can irritate and then cause that burning when urinating after.

That's when you turn the gaze to anxiety like you did because anxiety is often the culprit. To pee, our urinary sphincter must be in a relaxed state for urine to flow from the bladder down, so when we get anxious or scared our CNS keeps that shut or makes it difficult to keep the flow going once started, when this happens we often get MORE anxious making it worse.

Evidence it's psychosomatic shows in the fact you felt better when you got to urgent care :) - The "Not knowing" and "What ifs" are what freak us anxious folk out, but once we know we're gunna be safe, we calm down and many of our symptoms then dissipate until we get anxious again. Depending on how you view it, Hospitals/clinics can make you feel safe because you're in a place where help and answers are readily available on the spot.

Anxiety can often manifest itself in many weird ways, like chest pain, back pain, leg pain. It's different to each person. But if your tests showed you are fine, that should give you comfort. Physicians would be able to tell if it's a kidney stone or something like that from the tests.

Also, definitely stay away from WebMD and google searching symptoms when you're anxious. You'll REALLY freak yourself out xD But for now, just try to relax and as best you can keep it off your mind, and see if it starts to go away. Make sure to stay hydrated! That helps bunches.

09-05-2018, 02:46 PM
Okay can the anxiety make you pee and have a weak pee steam ? i am still having problems and don't want to take the mediction it increase my anxiety and make me feel quit ill today. and can syotms come and go