View Full Version : Post traumatic stress disorder

08-26-2018, 10:51 PM
Hi i have recently been diagnosed with PTSD ive been given tablets from my doctor i have started with half the dosage of 15 mg to raise to 30 in two weeks to see if they help me is there other suffers on this forum

08-26-2018, 11:38 PM
It's why many of us are here. Lot's of different symptoms that amount to the same thing ... stress.

Generally speaking, medications for mood disorders are only intended for as a short term solution whilst suffers look into therapy to deal with unresolved issues; unless of course your suffering from schizophrenia or bi-polar. (depending on severity) Other than taking medications, did you doctor suggest anything else or are you looking to do something to compliant your medicated aids for your post traumatic stress?

What kind of events triggered your trauma? It's hard for most people to deal with which is why many keep taking pills for the rest of their lives.

09-17-2018, 04:18 AM
Unfortunately in my life there's been plenty of trauma in my lifetime

09-17-2018, 10:31 AM
welll some people have a good results with CBD oil. what about having a pet, they help PSTD a lot. It is awful to deal with it :(

09-17-2018, 11:04 AM
I have pets 3 whippets and 4 rats as well as 3 fish tanks of various sizes in our home so I'd say that its safe to say people with ptsd like to care for pets

09-17-2018, 07:06 PM
wowwwwwwwww whippets are excellent dogs, so graceful. Rats ; I am scared of them, I had probably read to much about them, They are highly intelligent and adaptable animals. That's very good, somehow people with PSTD are excellent owners treat their animals with compassion. So next is meditation, you u can do it. maybe not meditation by yourself but you could use quided one. Even my hubby after awful automobile accident , tried to meditate and it was helping him to control his PSTD.
There is a lot of herbs you could use. Let me know if you need the info about it,
I am finding that 400 mg of magnesium biglycinate helps me a lot with my insomnia, YOu probably seen me posting about Jon Kabat-Zinn
link; https://youtu.be/NbXUAg5tA0s
you just put the headphones on and listen and do what he says to do ;) good luck , kiss the dogs from me please, I love dogs to pieces

09-18-2018, 11:07 PM
Rat's are nothing to be scared of they're just like miniature dogs and they can be trained in the same way as dogs i have 4 they all know there name's and answer when called here is a snap of them having a decaffeinated tea 1894

09-19-2018, 01:57 PM
Rat's are nothing to be scared of they're just like miniature dogs and they can be trained in the same way as dogs i have 4 they all know there name's and answer when called here is a snap of them having a decaffeinated tea 1894

I know I just have phobia: rats and black bugs , thanks to my older brothers, :) after atomic war we will be gone, rats rabbits and roaches will be left .......

09-27-2018, 05:24 PM
Hi i have recently been diagnosed with PTSD ive been given tablets from my doctor i have started with half the dosage of 15 mg to raise to 30 in two weeks to see if they help me is there other suffers on this forum

I was diagnosed with PTSD also. I know the struggle and it is a very serious condition. I suffer a lot every day but my meds help me out alot. I decided to make a website based on mental health because I wanted to show people some of the remedies I used before I had my medication to help.

Check it out, I would really like feedback on what i can improve! I hope it helps some people in the process!! :)