View Full Version : please read, chest aches and pains

08-26-2018, 06:43 AM
Hi all so for around about 7 years i have had chest aches and pains and in that time i have had numerous blood tests and a couple ecgs all of which was normal. I have also been to the doctors countless times and had my blood pressure done, heart and lungs listened to etc and my oxygen. Again all was normal
everyday i get aches and pains all over my chest and upper back and also more recently in my neck, i have been told i have bad posture and weak upper back muscles and this can weaken the chest muscles also but i still always fear the worst. And i also tend to sleep more on the sofa than i do in bed. i really do not know how to deal with this anymore
Any help and guidance will be great

08-26-2018, 03:41 PM
hi welcome to the forum and you already answered your own question. Check our sticky threads "Anxiety symptoms list" Everyone have it, especially if you spend your days sitting at the computer and slouching in the chair

08-26-2018, 07:53 PM
Less time with the Smart Phone, lap top, PC, TV, less junk food, drink more water, start walking, get more sleep and stop listening to your GP.

Welcome to the forum. ;)

08-30-2018, 07:51 AM

Haha, I replied to your other post too. Regarding this one though:

ECG's Normal, Blood tests show no abnormalities, chest auscultation with no abnormalities, BP norm, normal sp02 levels good cap refill and distal pulses. That all is REALLY good news.

So, then you gotta think "How much of this is psychosomatic?" - Chest pains, backs pains, tingly feelings, all that can be secondary to anxiety.

When there is something wrong with a part of our bodies, other parts of the body try to compensate, and so physicians will usually be able to pick up on if there is something wrong pretty easily and tests will confirm. A lot can be told from just routine blood tests and phys exam.

The mind is a powerful thing - you know how they say you can worry yourself sick? Well you can. But once you are able to overcome that "What if..." that will start to go away. I had same symptoms as you, bad posture too as well as usually dehydrated (I hated drinking water). Contesting the negative "What if" thoughts and recognizing those thought patterns, reading the forums and articles on anxiety helped tons. Foam roller helped my back pain from my crappy posture as I started to work on correcting posture. Started tracking my water intake aiming for 64oz a day. Started taking multi vitamin and fish oil. Over week or two to a month, felt great.
