View Full Version : Pre-flight anxiety

08-16-2018, 01:32 AM

I want to ask you, If there is someone who has problem similar to mine. It is week before my vacation and I am already anxious as hell. I am scared that I will "loose it" on the plane.

Also, itīs only one week vacation and than flying back home...so I canīt imagine how I am enjoying a vacation. I have some pills from doctor to use before flight but I am still worried it will not work.

So anyone with similar experience or advice what should I do?

Thank you.

08-18-2018, 04:07 PM
A big reason I don't have a fear of flying is because I've read that the chances of getting into an accident on a plane or jet is lower than getting into an accident with a car.

And since I don't fear getting into an accident with a vehicle, then why should I fear getting into an accident inside a plane?

This belief works for me.

08-20-2018, 01:46 AM

first of all thank you so much for sharing. this is almost the first step. Flying/pre-flight can be tricky and trying to relax is not easy.
The only thing i can recommend is the more you fly, the more it will become almost second nature to you.

I have been flying for years from family holidays and now it doesnt even phase me. to be fair its become more of a Naus having to wait in queue, being frisked at security because im a young male.

The only other recommendation i would give is, before you go anywhere near the plane etc, before you leave home, download an artist called ENYA. she does some of the most relaxing and soothing music i have ever heard. many a time i have put this
stuff on during a flight and found myself falling asleep to it.

08-20-2018, 11:07 AM
I always get this anxiety and dread, worry and I am a seasoned traveler all my life.
The closer to departure the more anxious I get, stressed. It has nothing to do with
accidents or the plane itself. I worry about the connections, rental car, leaving my cats.
It does not get any easier.

Do you travel alone? Are you going to new places? Do you rent a car and hotel?
These are all possible reasons. I don't know what to say without more information.
I take a double dose of my anxiety medicine and that helps.
It always turns out that my fears are for nothing. Everything was fine and planned
and I had a good time. Carefully plan your trip.