View Full Version : preoccupation with death

12-04-2008, 02:51 PM

Has anyone found their anxiety has led to a bit of a preoccupation with morbid thoughts? Sometimes I'll just be sitting doing something quite normal like watching the TV or reading when all of a sudden I'll start to think about and even dwell on my own mortality. It can be really intense sometimes and a bit upsetting. Sorry to bring this up but just wondered how common a symptom it is of this frustrating condition.


12-04-2008, 03:19 PM
Hi there, yes I have had those thoughts loads pretty much since I was 12 (way before my anxiety really kicked in) I thought it was normal, just a part of growing lol. I guess with anxiety we worry more about our own health and therefore we question out mortality more... it is very upsetting but I found that they helped me come up with my own beliefs and way towards looking at life... hope that this msg helps

12-04-2008, 09:04 PM
I also have these thoughts and in two categories.
1 I either think about death so much i completely freak myself out
2 I think about scenarios that are morbid and unlikely. (example: sitting in movie theatre I think of someone locking the doors and setting it on fire)
I feel like I am wasting my life worrying about dying. I gonna be dead before I know it if I dwell and sit on the thought.
Double edge sword.
We are here to help each other so I have a suggestion. When you think about it. Think about the person you think would be the saddest that you died. Then think way back to something good about the two of you. And if it makes you cry then cry. And while you think about this thought, think about how you don't want to leave yet and then think of the next time you'll be with them and what you'l do, maybe even what you'll day. Maybe we can turn our morbid thinking by letting it run a little into something positive? What do you think?