View Full Version : Advice for Anxiety

07-30-2018, 02:22 AM
I feel like everything bothers and everyone hates me. I am very sensitive.
I am afraid to become friends with new people because I always end up getting hurt.
Looking for advice.

07-30-2018, 01:55 PM
It's often said one of the fundamentals to healthy relationships with others, is by first having a good one with yourself.

Easier said than done if living in a world of constant rejection. When being rejected constantly by others, we begin to reject ourselves. Hence 'Acceptance' is the key word many of us here when it comes to self help. Depending on the length of time one has been focusing on others, the harder it is to works on accepting self. The good new is that once you start working on accepting what's happened has happened, what you and others have done - is done ... and the fact that you can't change those things: the sooner you can work on the things you can change.

Changing the way you think and feel comes once you not only understand about what I'm saying above but also by putting into practice what it takes to accept and thus let go. What does it take?

Writing this post was your first step! Congratulations on that. :) May I suggest reading The Happiness Trap. I will link a very quick video that explains it well:

Be sure to check out the Happiness Trap website (https://thehappinesstrap.com)

In conjunction to understanding the concept of the happiness trap I highly recommend researching the:
ACCEPTANCE COMMITTMENT THERAPY (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acceptance_and_commitment_therapy)

Both those concepts go hand in hand. Remember ... the fundamental to healthy relationships, is first having one with ourself.

I hope you find this information helpful. I congratulate you once again for taking the first step with this post.

Welcome to the forum :)

salvator here
07-30-2018, 04:19 PM
I think, as someone, like myself, walking around (overly so) wearing my heart on my sleeve, should expect to be hurt with higher frequency than others (seemingly not a much). Remember though, we perceive people to not be as sensitive (as us), others may be better at hiding/disguising their emotions on the outside, and thus having a tougher exterior wall. Things aren't always when they appear. Its not necessarily a bad quality to be sensitive.

salvator here
07-30-2018, 04:21 PM
Not everyone will like you; you can't please everyone. Be yourself :)

08-07-2018, 07:21 PM
Thank you everyone

Campbell smith
09-21-2018, 12:26 AM
Thanks for sharing your post it is very helpful for others suffering form same situation.

09-21-2018, 03:53 PM
Greengal, it's okay if not everyone likes you because if everyone liked you, you'd be the first person in human history to have everyone like you that knows you.

So don't be hard on yourself.