View Full Version : Think You've Gotten All You're Going To Get Out Of Therapy? Maybe Your Wrong.

07-29-2018, 05:22 PM
Back a little over ten years ago, I had been in therapy for a number of years, and had been working with one psychotherapist for almost three years. And I had made some progress while in therapy with her.

However, while I still had problems and issues, I got to the point in which I thought that I had come as far as I was going to go in therapy. I felt that I had gotten all that I was going to get out of talk therapy.

But one person I knew told me that maybe I had gotten all I was going to get out of that one shrink.

It turned out that she was right. A couple of years after she told me that, I started seeing a new therapist. And I got a lot more out of it than I would have if I had not gone back into therapy.

So if you've been seeing a therapist for a long time and you feel you've come as far as you're going to go in therapy, maybe your wrong. Maybe you've merely gotten everything you're going to get out that one therapist. Maybe you can go even further with a new therapist.

salvator here
07-30-2018, 04:43 PM
I've changed shrinks before. I believe staying with a doctor that isn't helping anymore is detrimental to your care, its not easy though to make changes, especially when in my case I'm relying on community care to those without good insurance.