View Full Version : Trouble eating and sleeping

12-04-2008, 09:57 AM
I've been having a lot of trouble getting any food in my stomach throughout the day and getting to bed regularly. I'm sure the two may be related to eachother, but i don't know how to fix either them. When eating, i sometimes think about swallowing food too much and get a fear of choking. It makes me eat very slow and a lot of times a just give up.
I've had trouble sleeping with anxiety and depression for about 1-2years now. When i don't get my sleep, i worry about it and it makes me feel sick feeling all day. If i get too much, i get depressed about how much of the day i missed. Rarely do i ever get as much as i want, even when using an alarm clock. This morning i woke up in panic and it was one of the worst, but shortest panic attacks i have ever had. I swear my vision was turning sideways when i was trying to stand up.

12-04-2008, 01:55 PM
jdawgzy, not eating and sleeping correctly can majorly affect your moods and how you feel. if you work to get these two things in working order then it really should helo you out :) you might like to take a look at this post: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087 i hope you find it helpful! :)

12-04-2008, 09:36 PM
OMG I thought I was the only one with the eating problem. I can be sooooo thirsty and not be able to drink anything. My thanksgiving was ruined because I was afraid of choking I just GAVE UP! I have been having bouts of anxiety that keep me from eating and I will shake with the fork in my hand. I also have not slept in my own bed in weeks. I have been sleeping on the couch because it's on the other side of the wall as my parents room. It very discouraging. I haven't found a way to get over the eating thing yet.