View Full Version : Partners constant need for excitement...?

07-16-2018, 04:13 AM
Hi everyone
I’m the long term partner of a man who suffers GAD. He’s had it 10 years now (diagnosed).

I’ve realized one thing about him, he can’t stand it when life isn’t ‘exciting’.
Most of us go through their day by following a certain routine and so does he.. the problem is that he’s pretty bored of this.. his work bores him, his friends bore him, I bore him.

As a person he has always had this NEED for excitement, something new, something thrilling.. and when that lacks he gets extremely anxious/ frustrated.

This question and the background of his ‘issue’ is hard to explain, but does this relate to anxiety or GAD.
Does anyone else with anxiety/ GAD always feel like they NEED to be excited about something?
And if so.. why is this?

Thank you everyone

salvator here
07-21-2018, 01:15 PM
I just find it troubling that he finds you boring. Did he actually say that, or you feel this way? Maybe not that you bore him, maybe things seem too routine.

That might be fun to work on together, I guess.

Good luck :)

07-24-2018, 09:30 PM
The symptoms you're describing could be either ADD/ADHD or an ASD (though the latter is less likely since most autistic individuals suffer when their routine isn't followed, rather than the opposite).

Is it possible that this is simple restlessness? I think a bit more detail may be required for a full revelation.

Best of luck,