View Full Version : Beta blockers?

07-15-2018, 09:13 AM
Was googling this. I know about ssri/benzo but first heard of benzo blockers. I see some can be brought otc like 5 htp... any reviews or experiences on here?

07-15-2018, 02:57 PM
Try the medication section.

In the mean time, sure thing!

Start here:

...and then here:

I could confirm much of this with my own experience, but then you might experience less side effects than me. If you really want to go the way of popping pills, the only way to know is to take them for yourself.

There are also warnings for the so called natural pills as well and yes I have tried them too.

There are no chemical solutions to lifestyle related problems other than those which we create within ourselves.

On the other hand there is the lessor of two evils.

Did you still want to know about diet and lifestyle? I was going to right up a post but then saw this?

07-15-2018, 04:46 PM
Try the medication section.

In the mean time, sure thing!

Start here:

...and then here:

I could confirm much of this with my own experience, but then you might experience less side effects than me. If you really want to go the way of popping pills, the only way to know is to take them for yourself.

There are also warnings for the so called natural pills as well and yes I have tried them too.

There are no chemical solutions to lifestyle related problems other than those which we create within ourselves.

On the other hand there is the lessor of two evils.

Did you still want to know about diet and lifestyle? I was going to right up a post but then saw this?
Yes I still want to know about healthy lifestyle as that seems to best option. I did soo much today to face my fears and had a good day. Only thing stopping me is the feeling in my mouth which is just wanting to gag when not even thinking about anything. I asked about beta blockers as I heard it helps with cbt and never heard of it until today. From what I read seemed to be the less of the other evils benzo and ssri

07-15-2018, 04:47 PM
From what I read said betts blocker just stop physical and by doing cbt you eventually stop fearing the situation.

07-15-2018, 07:34 PM
From what I read said betts blocker just stop physical and by doing cbt you eventually stop fearing the situation.

Reading only goes so far. You could always start taking them yourself and feeding back your experiences say 12 to 18 months later. Of course from a perspective unique to your own set of variables. Essentially that's the only way to find out - all is is begging the question as is mostly the case within this forum's subsection (and other mental health marketing forums) on meditation. ← EDIT I mean Medication. see how easy it is to miss read/type. Actually we would do better to delete the medication and replace with meditation.

Beta Blockers do more than stop physical symptoms. They also create new ones. Ones that also exacerbate old ones. Just had a lengthy discussion on CBT with my mentor who is a practitioner of EFT & Hypnosis. CBT can help long term suffers get a handle via automatic responses in the same way Self Hypnosis, NLP and like wise neural plasticity techniques create bridges and set in place motion towards an individuals intention.

Addressing the physical aspects of our lives - if not done from a sense of ownership, impede the necessary development of underlying processes. CBT (among any analytical, mechanical neurological approach) without tuning into one's emotion is as useless, as chemical aids with no insight into lifestyle balance. Understanding the process of how we take control, through acceptance and allowing are key to regulating fear and anxiety. It's never about stopping it. Again, fear / anxiety is a perfectly natural and necessary element to our functioning.

Hope some of that makes sense?

Dahila ... do you get any of that?


07-15-2018, 08:22 PM
it must be complex, now beta blockers only help to slow heart beat and lower blood pressure, I almost died when the dock prescribed to me, he did not read my history of lung disease, It was this year on February . He was Apologizing like crazy. I would be very aware if you have asthma or allergic reactions. What the heck is happening to you Nytro????? why you looking for meds. I am not here insult you , but you introduce yourself like hypochondria, and addiction..........Do you want to get high, or just looking for attention , Ia m over 60 and I can not take that nonsense anymore. If you want for a lot of money I can make a magical pill for you to take away all the problems. Are you willing?
D. you are very patient maybe cause you much younger than I am ,
I told you , I gave you links to Jon kabat zinn but maybe it is too difficult for your sit down put the headphones on and relax, Maybe you do not want to help yourself. I thought you are 17 with your attitude but you said you are in your 30 ...........eh

07-16-2018, 01:33 AM
D - I did some Audio Syncing Tests in front of the camera today and can tell you that I have aged 10 years since all this inquiry BS into child sexual abuse. I'll be 50 come this Feburary, but look every bit of 60. ... that said, I can still feel the warmth in the sun or the cool in the shade. Breathing through the nose sucks though. :) Looking old is cool with me ... just saying is all. Sometimes I feel younger than I look ... sometimes.

Yes it can get frustrating - thank for the vote of patients ... That would be a nice way to be.

You have many good qualities yourself (This I KNOW) as I am sure Nytro and all that frequent or pop in do too.

Just keep saying it as best you can - if you have the strength just repeat it ... let others ... reject or do as they must. Comes down to that New Age BS were I don't think ignoring it with a Love and Light smile cuts it ... People need help that counts and sometimes that might mean we have to experience discomfort. Of course my literal ways and over the top with too much info and yadda yadda ... have me seen as a nut ... but that's OK too. People just need to start saying what's real to them rather than be afraid to speak out.

NYTRO - is cool because regardless of wrong or right ... NYTRO is spelling it out as best as NYTRO can. Just like me with all the BS I go on with.

I am glad you are still here to open a can of whip ass when it needs to opened like so. :) We need that shit too. hehe

Please don't ever stop being you. BUT you can also change tact whenever you wish. For now though

LET IT RIP! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/blue-face/roar-smiley-emoticon.png

07-16-2018, 01:58 AM
This is good information i like this

07-16-2018, 04:35 AM
This is good information i like this

Denali... I’m 29, have been with my woman for 10 years and have a three year old and new house. I’m sole provider and go away for work for spring and fall shutdowns. So I can’t loose my job so I fear of throwing up like I did once before and had to get sent home. You can’t stay at work if you non stop dry heave all day long. This is why I took office job to try control this. I after going to cbt for 7 weeks. I only asked about beta because would like to have something in emergency situations. Maybe there is supplements for emergency situations I really don’t know. If I’m bored at home I just go to public places and stay there until I’m calm. I know beta fixes physical symptoms which is the symptoms that have my life took over. Yes with a three year old it’s hard to listen to music I tried twice last night and did ok with it. Sometimes I find it’s depressing to listen to it but maybe u just got to get used to it. I didn’t come on this forum to argue and call ppl down. I came to learn so please don’t be rude as being rude gets ppl nowhere and just brings one of the two ppl down. I’m taking magnesium pills but if there was something else that could help me relax like 5 htp, gaba etc I would try it. I’m wanting to buy amino acids but don’t know what to ask the pharmist for or which one to buy. I agree msging and asking on some forums but no response

07-16-2018, 04:39 AM
There is just a hugeee feeling of needing to gag/urge in my mouth from my mouth. Happens worst when nervous. It was like it at wotk whole time. But after some exposure of same thing for 8 weeks it went down but if anybody asked me do anything outside normal it would gone back rite away and I can’t talj when it happens so it affects work majorly

07-16-2018, 07:09 AM
Nytro did you check your thyroid, the digestive system, take blood test for hyplori bacteria cause it will cause it if you have it, You start with doc , when you eliminate physical mistakes or diseases you can look into mental help. Popping all supplements, that only small part is digested into body will ruin your stomach. I have huge problem to swallow a pill. My VD3 is actually in liquid form,
Do you have a low self esteem that you are so scared to do your work? ( I can understand it, I was there) What about reflux disease? it causes it. I would start with doc if I was you.
People think that everything is caused by anxiety. I was sure I get panic attacks on evenings due anxiety. No my dear I am diabetic and every time my blood glucose went down I got something identical to panic attack. I was sure it is panic attack then later I was diagnosed with Diabetes type ll

07-16-2018, 07:11 AM
Nytro did you check your thyroid, the digestive system, take blood test for hyplori bacteria cause it will cause it if you have it, You start with doc , when you eliminate physical mistakes or diseases you can look into mental help. Popping all supplements, that only small part is digested into body will ruin your stomach. I have huge problem to swallow a pill. My VD3 is actually in liquid form,
Do you have a low self esteem that you are so scared to do your work? ( I can understand it, I was there) What about reflux disease? it causes it. I would start with doc if I was you.
People think that everything is caused by anxiety. I was sure I get panic attacks on evenings due anxiety. No my dear I am diabetic and every time my blood glucose went down I got something identical to panic attack. I was sure it is panic attack then later I was diagnosed with Diabetes type ll

07-16-2018, 07:36 AM
Nytro did you check your thyroid, the digestive system, take blood test for hyplori bacteria cause it will cause it if you have it, You start with doc , when you eliminate physical mistakes or diseases you can look into mental help. Popping all supplements, that only small part is digested into body will ruin your stomach. I have huge problem to swallow a pill. My VD3 is actually in liquid form,
Do you have a low self esteem that you are so scared to do your work? ( I can understand it, I was there) What about reflux disease? it causes it. I would start with doc if I was you.
People think that everything is caused by anxiety. I was sure I get panic attacks on evenings due anxiety. No my dear I am diabetic and every time my blood glucose went down I got something identical to panic attack. I was sure it is panic attack then later I was diagnosed with Diabetes type ll

I will ask doctor. My symptoms of dry heaving were gone two weeks ago and only appeared when I had bad nervous/anxiety. Which then came back with vegance. If I’m alone in my house I’m fine but if ppl around then it gets worst or if mind is busy it stops. I have cough a lot which was told her it’s cough. At work I feel like million bucks as have very important job and socialize but it’s drive there and walk there that I got fear of sick. As when I sit in my chair at work I’m good. But I will get tests done anyways. But if I was told now 50 ppl coming to house I would feel nausea extremely rite awsy

07-16-2018, 01:05 PM
Well people stress you, when I am stressed and it is from very early age, I have tennis ball in my throat, I work not to put attention to it, the more attention we show to symptom the most drastic it becomes.
You see it is like training our brain to take it seriously and making mountain of hill. I am not kidding, It is our fault we have so many symptoms of anxiety. We program yourself to it . Human mind is incredible tool for survival but can be your worst enemy. This is why I do recommend got to doc and start the meditation. It takes time to learn it but the benefits of that are immediate

07-16-2018, 03:16 PM
What's your diet like? People neglect food intake which is a huge mistake. The foods we eat contribute massively to most of our illnesses. It's amazing how all kinds of incurable diseases are put to rest once a plant based diet is Incorporated into one's lifestyle. Although it usually requires a life threatening illness for most people this day and age.

What weight are you - are you overweight? Being overweight can add to illnesses as well as create them. If your not overweight, then try working on your diet. No matter how good you think it is, there is always room for improvement in this processed world.

Chemical exposure is another one many of us don't consider. You might think you work in a clean place, but sometimes they make the worst conditions in which our bodies do not do so well.

Alcohol? Self explanatory. Yet people drink it whilst on antidepressants and other mood altering meds.

Smoking? Self Explanatory. Strips the hair off the back of your throat.

Medications? What are you currently on?. They also cause more conditions that require more meds.

I understand you desire for a quick fix in situations that the symptoms cripples you. Is why people drink and smoke, why else would they.

Look into Vegas Nerve Stimulation (https://www.google.com.au/search?rlz=1C1AVFC_enAU739AU740&ei=rwZNW9voHYKt0ASVlbWgBw&q=Vegas+Nerve+Stimulation&oq=Vegas+Nerve+Stimulation&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i71k1l8.354655.354655.0.354800. 0.0..0.0....0...1c.2.64.psy-ab..1.0.0....0.yK6y6WVz0ss)

When I get anxious my body goes through rapid shallow breathing, I get gas and burp, I get all kinds of digestive issues, I even at times choke on my food, I get reflux and also start gagging to some degree. All those ailments now very common in a lot of people living lives under stress. So much so gall bladder removal is like going to the dentist. The health condition known as Esophagitis is common among anxiety suffers, but sadly the medication to treat it leads to nutrient deficiency over a longer period. I nailed this condition through weight control and raising the head of my bead just a few inches. Made a huge difference!

Regardless of whatever emergency fix you find (I hope you find one) do not give up researching and doing your best to nail the cause and seek out methods in which to overcome your condition. Anxiety in my book is not something we overcome, but debilitating symptoms ... YES ... those we can nail in the but when we identity the causes and put in place practices that put those to rest. Just be sure to find an alternative that does not create more illness.

07-16-2018, 05:17 PM
Ponder nailed it :)

07-19-2018, 11:13 AM
Ponder nailed it :)

Thanks for all help. I’m trying something new now which I posted on other thread

07-19-2018, 01:05 PM
Nytro did you check your thyroid, the digestive system, take blood test for hyplori bacteria cause it will cause it if you have it, You start with doc , when you eliminate physical mistakes or diseases you can look into mental help. Popping all supplements, that only small part is digested into body will ruin your stomach. I have huge problem to swallow a pill. My VD3 is actually in liquid form,
Do you have a low self esteem that you are so scared to do your work? ( I can understand it, I was there) What about reflux disease? it causes it. I would start with doc if I was you.
People think that everything is caused by anxiety. I was sure I get panic attacks on evenings due anxiety. No my dear I am diabetic and every time my blood glucose went down I got something identical to panic attack. I was sure it is panic attack then later I was diagnosed with Diabetes type ll

It was gone away for a bit and when I’m busy and in the moment like talking to somebody I don’t get it but if I’m not that busy then I think about the feeling a lot in my mouth knowing it’s there so my guess it’s anxiety as it only started from a fear one time and escalated out of control ever since

salvator here
07-21-2018, 01:18 PM
I used to be on a beta blocker it was starting to have a negative effect. I'm am on another one for hypertension and migraines. Doesn't do much for the anxiety though. My blood pressure has been high still since I'm a recovering Alcoholic. I'm a bit overweight as well, doesn't help.

Good information on this thread.

Thanks :)