View Full Version : No Medication Yet Tiredness Is Getting Me

12-03-2008, 12:11 PM
I Dont use medication, I never have as i dont really like the idea of being reliant on something thats foreign to the body.

However, Its been 3 months now since my anxiety started, i had it abroad on my birthday of all days, i had my first panic attack then, it then seemed to get progessivley worse with panic attacks here and there, but i havent had one for a while now, however, iv noticed that over the past week my head seems to be very fuzzy when i wake up and slight dizziness, this is obviously followed by worry that its something else, im also experiencing a problem with my ears, not earache as such or lack of hearing, just popping in my ears, and that there is something not right with them as they keep popping and feel weird.

The ear popping doesnt concern me, but the tiredness does, i realise Anxiety can cause tiredness, but ive never really experienced it that much until this week, my sleep patterns are not the best, i tend to fall asleep about 6am latest and awake around 2pm, so i seem to be getting enough sleep despite the bad pattern, so why do i continue to feel tiredness in the eyes, like i could just fall asleep, along with the ear popping, add this with being anxious and worried that i have something else as you could guess its not nice.

My first time on this forum so was just wondering if anyone out there has experienced these symptoms, my de-realisation is fading yet it seems like when one symptom goes, another one appears! very frustrating. Its the tiredness in the eyes that really concerns me.


12-03-2008, 05:35 PM
I can relate to this since my family says I sleep to much (7 hours). Anyways, I found out that by eating more meals in the day instead of 3 heavy meals, I have more energy and not so tired. Also, try eating more healthier foods. Bananas, grapes and carrots as snacks have boosted my energy. Also, more exercising helps with the tiredness as well. The more meals a day have helped my ear popping and dizziness as well and they are gone :)

12-03-2008, 06:33 PM
Thankyou for your response, These are the only real physical symptoms i have left, and i feel once i get rid of these then id feel brilliant. Easier said than done of course. :lol:

12-04-2008, 01:44 PM
rusty you might like to take a look at this post: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

not eating corrently and bad sleeping patterns can create anxiety, i'm sure if you get these two in order then you'll feel a ton better. the post i linked to above contains lots of information about how i got through anxiety without medication - as someone who doesn't really want to take meds i think you might like to know some of the stuff i discovered :) i hope this helps a bit.

12-06-2008, 07:23 AM
Thanks northstar, ill check it out and try and alter my patterns of sleeping, and my eating habits, as i do eat things that maybe are not helping. Cheers :)