View Full Version : Depression at its worst in the morning
07-07-2018, 08:36 PM
I just read on a Facebook page that a woman was diagnosed with "Diurnal Mood Variation." I had never heard of it, so I looked it up. It's a sub type of major depressive disorder, but you feel most depressed in the mornings, and then you feel better as the day wears on.
I decided to post this as people on this forum have stated they feel the most depressed in the morning, but then their mood shifts as the day wears on. I had never heard of it, but if you google it you can read about it.
When people used to post this question, I would suggest that maybe they were getting more involved in their day and less anxious because they were more in the present. Had no idea of a diagnosis of "Diurnal Mood Variation"
07-10-2018, 11:15 PM
Don't worry - what you're experiencing is very common.
07-29-2018, 12:18 PM
I found that when I had issues with serious depression years ago, it could start at any point during the day. Sometimes I'd feel low in the morning and better later in the day. But at other times I'd feel fine in the morning and become sad during the afternoon or even at night.
07-31-2018, 12:44 AM
I'm actually experiencing the opposite. I feel most depressed at night, before going to sleep. This is usually the time when negative thoughts come into my mind since I'm pretty unoccupied already.
salvator here
08-01-2018, 01:14 PM
Both for me. When I first wake up, and trying to wind down before bed is awful. Start to improve a few hours after I wake up.
08-01-2018, 04:57 PM
"Diurnal Mood Variation."
08-26-2018, 05:01 PM
I am worst at night alone in bed as that's when the worst of the really bad terrors come. The thoughts of hopelessness and self serious harm and worse wont leave me alone,
That's why I'm still on sleeping tablets long after I should be - I just can't face it and get a panic attack if I envisage going to bed unmedicated.
Unfortunately the bad thoughts always return within 10 minutes maximum of waking up. That means no more sleep is possible no matter if I am tired or not.
I'm also up about 4 times through the night to go to the toilet but that's another story of course which affects older guys a lot. I am usually so tired I get back to sleep after those interruptions.
I'm always still tired and confused in the morning because of the unnatural sleep though.
Just sharing my experiences to see if they chime with anyone else.
08-12-2019, 04:28 AM
I suspect, strongly, thats what it is I mean, I suffer from
Depression, 24/7, but, in the Fall & Winter, it gets much worse, because,
its sooo dark, constantly Good guess, Im impressed
08-12-2019, 03:27 PM
I'm not sure about the label. I also read somewhere that there I way too many labels and most of then typically rehashed stories/symptoms of previously named conditions. The government does it with policies and funded projects all the time. It's good for business. Anyways, if you spend too much time reading on such things, (especially on FB) then I would agree with one of the above mentions re not being in the moment and thus being hooked into someone else's mindset which is what FB and likewise places are more about.
How typical it is to wake up in the morning feeling low before getting in enough 02, moving the body to get blood flow, taking in some water and then later fueling the body to of course go on feeling better. Who the hell wakes up feeling a million bucks this day and age? People with lots of money perhaps; since that is the value system of our society.
Narrrr - I don't buy it. Just another BS label to keep both keep people pegged down and the economy ticking.
I live with major depressive disorder as well as many other labels. But hey - LIFE SUCKS ... This new label seems to be just another case of taking on the persona of a newly sprouted disorder ... 'again' such things are good for the economy. I am part of a program that thrives on mental disorders and physical disabilities. The thing is, whilst we can exploit, take advantage of and so on, we need to be careful we ourselves don't become consumed in that process. We tend to be additive souls that thrive on disorder. Therefore the selling of labels and adopting them is something of an addiction no different that Netflix. Man ... I need a new hit ... so much BS on there of late. Open to suggestions!!! lol ... Not a good way to be trust me. .... Your getting sleepy ... " That's Right ... listen to meeeee ... hehee
Waking up in the morning and feeling shit? LOL - "Diurnal Mood Variation." Now I have heard it all. But don't worry folks ... you'll feel a little better once you breath in a little 02, have a drink and then go watch the sun rise ???? Go figure.
SRRY ... cold not help myself. I have a disorder. I blame that. In fact, I'll go ready up on FB and see what the latest thing I have.
I think I have morningitis. Yea .. that must be it. I hear it gets bets once morning has passed??? Now I am confused ... I don't know what I have. Fuck it. Back to my computer games. That will fix it.
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