View Full Version : Can't believe this is anxiety!

12-02-2008, 10:55 PM
I'm new to this forum and here's a little bio: I'm Joe and I'm 26 years old. I'm about 6' tall and 200lbs so I'm pretty healthy. I have a daughter almost 18 months old. I'm a stay at home dad for the moment, for personal reasons. (mainly anxiety)

I've always had issues with anxiety since I was a little boy. I cared little for new things and when I had to make basic phone calls I'd pace around and plan exactly what I was going to say and even go through a list of possible reactions I was going to get to each thing I was going to say.

Getting a little older, I'd get very anxious about any sort of appointment and especially something like a job interview. I know that's typically normal even for people without anxiety disorders, but I'm just letting you know a little how my mind works.

Besides a few little things, anxiety never really played a detrimental role in my life. It never stopped me from doing things. I never felt any physical symptoms of it that were persistent.

About a month or so ago, I had a severe panic attack. It was insane. I was at a bible study/sermon with a couple of close friends and during worship and song I started to feel odd. Well, let me stop for a second. I had been feeling "odd" all day. I had this feeling in my mind that something was going to go wrong. Back to the odd feeling I had during the worship. I was concentrating on the words on the projector and it got a little blurry. I started to get really lightheaded and I lost my breathe. I was sweating badly and I felt weak and tingly all over. My heart was pounding very fast and hard. I pinched my eyes and hoped no one was watching. I took off to the bathroom and tried splashing water on my face. I thought it was going to be the end. I was dying. I went back into the sermon and tried to pretend like nothing was wrong. I had to try and keep my breath going and I started to feel my throat close up. I was surprised no one saw what was going on with me. On my way home, (my buddy drove) I could hardly talk. I had a hard time getting out what I wanted to say and it felt like my voice was weak. I got home and as soon as I sat down it hit me hard again. I had to get up and try and fight off passing out. I thought it was a panic attack, but I've had a couple before and they all went away within a minute or so. It had been a few hours or so already. I kept thinking I need to go to the ER. I decided I'd try and hold out for another hour or two to see if it stops since me going to the ER would require me to resurrect my fiance and daughter from bed. I felt so tingly. My vision seemed blurry and foggy. I felt like I was going to stop breathing. My heart was pounding all this time. It seemed after about a half hour of pacing and coaching myself I'd get calm enough to where I felt I could sit down. When I sat down the heater made a clanking noise, a noise I'm quite familiar with and has no affect on me except for that I hear it, and I literally just about jumped out of my skin. We have one of those air fresheners that shoots every 9 minutes and I've gotten quite used to that too. When that would go off I'd jump like a scared school girl also. After about 5 hours after this started, I woke my fiance and told her we needed to go to the ER. When I got there my pulse was 140. They hooked me to an EKG and ran a bunch of blood tests. My heart was fine and the bloodwork came back normal. They gave me ativan which helped a ton. I still felt tingly all over, though.

Since then, I have lost any control over anxiety I've had in the past. I wake up anxious and go to sleep anxious. My symptoms that I feel are all the time. I've talked to my GP about it who put me on a beta blocker to keep my heart from racing so badly and put me on buspar. I've been taking it for a few weeks now and it hasn't done a damn thing. My GP told me to stay away from the ativan I got from the ER. That ticks me off since it's the only thing that's ever helped me.

Day to day I feel tingly all over. I'm constantly dealing with vision blur. Which I can see fine, it just seems like there's static everywhere. My face feels numb, especially my lips and nose and above my eyes. My arms, hands and fingers feel that way too. So do my legs, feet and toes. About half of the day I feel like my guts are in a bind and I lose my appetite. When I take an ativan that my doctor doesn't want me taking I feel fine and can eat. My head feels like there's pressure inside. Like a pressure that "wanders".. or never in the same place. It's always moving. My scalp feels like it's crawling and my hands are alway drenched. Every once in a while I get a feeling in my throat that feels like a tennis ball is stuck. It all gets worse when I think about it and when it gets worse I think about it more which just keeps revolving and getting worse. I've been going to sleep later hoping that when I go to sleep I'll be tired enough to ignore how I feel and get to sleep quickly which never does and then I lie in bed for a couple hours before I get a wink of sleep.

My anxiety has been keeping me at home, too. I don't want to go anywhere because I'm afraid I'll have a panic attack and there's no way for me to get out. Plus, I'm afraid someone will see me a time so unpleasant. I even missed my familys' thanksgiving dinner this year in fear I'll have a panic attack. It's ruining my life. Since the start, if I go visit a friend I feel like I have to get home right away because I only feel safe at home now.

This last month of my life has been miserable. I can't function like this. My doctor doesn't want me taking anything that I may get addicted to and I've been out of ativan for a couple weeks since I only got 10. It frustrates me that my doctor doesn't understand how I feel and give me something that is going to relieve my anxiety. The medication I'm on now doesn't do a damn thing and gives me brain zaps every time I take it. I have an appointment with a shrink but that's not til the 9th of this month. It was the soonest appointment I could get. I'm hoping they will help me out in the medication area a little bit. I'm at my wits end with this. I don't understand why I can't get over this. It's even starting to get depressing. I never thought my mind could be this weak. I've always overcome things and now I'm afraid to leave my house. I can't get over the feeling there is something wrong with me even though three doctors including 2 ER visits have told me it's all anxiety. I never thought anxiety could be like this. I never thought it could cause anyone to feel like this. I never get a break from my symptoms. Well, I do have some decent days, but not many. And a decent day to me now is if I feel normal at all in a given day.

Does anyone else feel like this? I constantly feel like they are wrong and there is something ailing me which causes me to have a panic attack.

I've tried the self help crap and meditation, but that only makes me clear my mind of the things that distract me from how I feel and I, in turn, feel much worse.

I've had almost every symptom that is on the longest list of symptoms of anxiety I've ever found and I feel a good bunch of them almost constantly. Is there relief from this crap? I can't seem to find any. I feel like I'm losing a war with my mind.

I just wanted to vent a little and hear other peoples' stories and opinions. If you have anything interesting or any tips, please feel free.

Thanks for listening,


12-03-2008, 04:55 AM
Thanks for sharing your story, Joe. I’m not an expert in any psychological or medical field, other than to say I am currently dealing with anxiety. I can’t say I identify with your exact situation, but hopefully I can offer some positive remarks to hold you over until your appointment...

In your post, you come across as a very detailed, self-aware person. It’s a wonderful thing, having such insight into yourself and keeping track of everything, but when it comes to anxiety/panic/phobias...it’s exactly like you said, a war going on in your mind because your focus turns internally and you end up dwelling on everything that feels “wrong” inside of you. While the war is primarily fought within your own head, it spills over causing terrible events elsewhere in your body. After being given a clean bill of health, it really comes down to focusing on the acceptance of what you are experiencing. So, basically, I want to answer your question based on what you’ve shared with us in your post...yes, it definitely sounds like anxiety. In my experience, the more I fight anxiety attacks the harder they push back, but I’ve found that feeling like a prisoner in my own body, in my own home, is NOT how I want to live.

I know the physical symptoms are extremely hard to deal with at times, so I’ve found that focusing on the mental symptoms is the best way to tackle the problem. It’s sort of like those vampire movies where you have to kill the head vampire to stop the vampire horde. Think about, the pains and discomforts you experience daily are like vampires...bleeding the life out of you, out of your family life, out of your fellowship with the community. The best way to stop it and keep the strain off is to engage the source, your mind. When you are diagnosed by a professional, it should alleviate you a bit since you’ll at least know what you are dealing with. I think the key to working through this is knowing what’s in front of you, and there are tons of ways to go about working through anxiety.

As I said, I’m currently dealing with anxiety (without medication), but I believe that I will be fully recovered from this in the near future. I lived a very full and happy life for two decades, so there’s no way I’m surrendering myself to anxiety (although I know I must accept it before I can let it go out of my life). Slowly, but surely, we can work through anything if we give ourselves the right tools. Remember, there is no courage without fear, and when you achieve victory you’ll be able to be of better service to folks that were once in your shoes.

12-03-2008, 11:32 AM
I pretty much went through the same thing, just a different place that it happened at. It does feel like your dying when you have one, but the thing to remember is that it's NOT life threating and it WILL get better over time. However, you have to first admit what you have, then make some life style changes to conquer what you have. Try looking at the recommended book post further down in this section to find an anxiety book that you think will help you. You have to learn to trust yourself, mind, body and soul again because a panic attack seems to take that away and it leaves people hopeless and scared. After my panic attacks, I thought all my physical symptoms were life threating: headaches=brain tumors, fast heartbeat=heart attack, stomach hurting= cancer. But atlas, I'm 100% healthy and so are you. I was given medication a year ago (lexapro) to help me deal with my problems and I thought it did the trick, but then it came back. I believe medication only masks the symptoms for a period of time. I know it seems like you're alone and that other people don't understand, but that is why you are posting here. You have to find ways to conquer your fears. Try walking around the block for starters. I used to carry my camera and paper and pen, so if I started to panic, I would concentrate on taking a photo or drawing a picture to help calm the mind, which help prevented the attacks. You have to do some baby steps and you will feel anxiety when you first face these stupid fears, but you will conqure and win. Basically your mind is working overtime and thinks that you should run from everthing, you must teach it to calm down by showing it there is nothing to fear. Also, start thinking more positive. I thought I was positive, but then I realized I had a lot of negative thoughts running through my head that were not true and a fantasy, but you mind considers this as truth. Hope this helps!

12-03-2008, 10:28 PM
Thanks for the insight and tips.

I guess one of the hardest things for me to do is accept that it's just anxiety. My GP and few other doctors have "guaranteed" me that I was not experiencing anything other than anxiety. They say my body is functioning fine all except for my anxiety.

I have a friend, my best friend, who has suffered from anxiety for a few years now and I always thought he was faking. I thought he was in for a fix. I feel kind of bad now knowing how it really is. I thought people with anxiety were crazy, but instead I suffer with it for myself. I don't have crazy thoughts, but tend to act irrationally because of the way I feel.

I try telling myself that it's anxiety and I hope that my symptoms will just magically go away. I've heard some people say that when they tell themselves it is just anxiety their symptoms go away. Mine don't. That's what keeps it so hard to accept it's just anxiety. In the back of my mind I know that I'm ok. It's just after a few days of straight anxiety, which if I don't treat it gets worse a little more each day until I have a panic attack.

I noticed after I took an ativan that for a few days my anxiety would be relatively low. I'd slowly start to notice my symptoms coming back and when I notice them I think about them causing my anxiety to come back a little more each day. Lately, with no medication at all, I'm having a rough time. It's getting harder to calm myself and tell myself that I'm ok. Getting to sleep is harder. I get less and less every night. My patience for others has been shorter, too. I'm so preoccupied with how I'm feeling it's hard for me to really sit and listen to anyone else when they are talking to me.

Today hasn't been that bad. Most of my day was pretty nice, actually. I actually just started to feel anxious a couple of hours ago, so most of my day was just fine. Maybe a few more like this would calm me down a bit.

I've been trying to stay away from sites that list possible ailments that could be causing my symptoms. I just keep reminding myself it's all anxiety. Days when I left myself look elsewhere usually causes me to have a panic attack.

Thanks for taking the time to listen. I'm not happy that other people are feeling similar to the way I do, but I'm somewhat relieved that I'm not alone and it most likely is just anxiety. I should have a diagnosis soon anyways.

For what it's worth, I do feel a little better after visiting this forum and having someone to talk to.

Thanks again


12-04-2008, 02:09 PM
joe, sorry for your troubles :(

you might like to take a look at this post i wrote a while back: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087 it's got lots of info on other things you might like to try along with the avitan? i hope you find something helpful in it :)

Punk Rock Steve
12-05-2008, 09:24 AM
Hello Anxious Joe! First of all, you are obviously not alone, as you can tell by all the people who post things on this forum. There are a lot of hurting souls on here. For me, reading your story is like looking in the mirror. We are VERY similar in regards to the way that anxiety attacks us. While I AM at work right now, I just barely made it here today. Had many times when I almost turned around at the front door of work and went home. I fought through the crap and went in anyway. Been going through a real bad spell since August and am trying to help myself as much as I can. I too have probably had almost all of the symptoms that they list on here, they just change from week to week. Some are with me all the time. Acceptance is BIG. As others have said, you can't dwell on it or it will be all consuming and devour you...BUT...I believe that one does need to talk to other people about it both on here, and in my case with a therapist. I am 55 years old, work in a high stress office, and (Thank God) play in a garage punk band; which really helps me to get out of myself and get out of my mind...which can be a dangerous place to be :) I self-medicated myself with alcohol for many years, though that wasn't the main reason for THAT problem. My late father was an alcoholic. I will be sober 8 years next month, but it still is a daily battle. Top that off with the daily battle I have with anxiety and it can make for a pretty crappy life. The thing is though, that I am working on trying to make things better....no matter what, I just need to carry on. I don't succeed all the time, but I just refuse to totally give up. Things WILL get better, though not necessarily in MY time. I'm not condoning taking drugs, but in my case, at this time of my life, I need to be taking the 1 mg (a relative low dose-need to watch myself) of Xanax that I take each day. I've tried many other drugs, but my shrink feels that this is the only thing that works right now. You may really need to be taking that Ativan right now, but that will be between you and your shrink. Nutrition and good sleep are VERY important and I'm still working on those two aspects of my life. You need to put one foot in front of the other, even if it makes you feel like you're gonna drop dead. It will make you stronger (even though I have a hard time convincing myself of that sometimes). Like my therapist told me, "You're a lot stronger and more courageous than you think you are". Hang in there!

12-05-2008, 07:31 PM
joe, sorry for your troubles :(

you might like to take a look at this post i wrote a while back: it's got lots of info on other things you might like to try along with the avitan? i hope you find something helpful in it :)

Lots of good things there. Thank you for the informative post.

12-05-2008, 07:35 PM
[quote="Punk Rock Steve"]

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm glad that you are getting a handle on things and it makes me feel better that because other people can get over this that I may have hope too.

To be honest, the couple of days since I've joined this post have been the best since all this started.

I commend you for your courage of getting through so strongly. I never thought anxiety disorders could be like this. It truly is something difficult to get over, but I'm starting to feel hope that there is a way to beat this.

God bless.