View Full Version : Help for anxiety. My 3 Easy tips.

06-26-2018, 03:20 PM
Hi all,

I just made a video with three tricks I use to do to help myself when anxiety hits. If you are interested then here is a link: https://youtu.be/2Sm3t0nGsfw

...oh and also, if you found it to be informative, please subscribe to my youtube channel. It's all about posting as much anxiety tools as possible as I have over 20 years of expereince in collecting anxiety tools in order to help my own social anxiety and panic attacks...

...and I would love to have you as a subscriber =)

Much Love!


06-27-2018, 02:21 PM
Nicely done Bob.

My favorite is tip number two that helps to stimulate the Vagus Nerve. I did a post a whiles back in here about that important part of our body and how it relates to anxiety. Tip number one made me smile when thinking of my weak bladder combined with the fact I'm also looking to pea myself when feeling stressed. I figure putting my hand under warm water would still be work well considering the information you related to it.

That said I wish to link other important information not so widely told about Green Tea. Whilst in moderation it can indeed be healthy for one's health, it also had the potential to be quite harmful. Especially for certain individuals and or when consumed more than a few cups a day / or days repeatedly. Green tea like many other well being products is often overemphasized as a quick fix strategy and with such a mentality quickly leads people to using it excessively.

GOOGLE (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=dangers+of+too+much+green+tea&rlz=1C1AVFC_enAU739AU740&oq=dangers+of+too+much+green+tea&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39l2j0l3.7335j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

& a link that gives green tea a fair go but with CAUTION (http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/side-effects-of-green-tea/#gref)

7 Things You Should Know About Matcha (http://www.health.com/nutrition/what-is-matcha) ← I found this one quite interesting. In both the benefits and caution. (re lead lvls - mine already high as too, most people this day and age) I might try some of this as already using small amounts of micro nutrients.

Something else about young plants containing pheromones to ward of animals in order that the plant has time to grow. The cultivation young plants/leaves (such as green tea) of various specious can result in unfavorable chemicals that result in a number of bad side effects. Of course then there are those that can be of benefit with taken in the right dose.

Green Tea is my reminder of how something that is reportedly so good for us also comes with cautions that's not known so well.

Mint Tea is another one, a good online friend of mine has brought to my attention to which whilst I still enjoy, at a dose that feels right for me. TY good friend :) - The thing about anxiety is that just like depression can be a symptom of it, so to can addictive traits that see us running to these wondrous aids, but more often than not - in a compulsive way where we then over do it. It is the anxiety way. Many of these well being products really ought to come with more cautions. Especially when being utilized by those with high predisposition. Food for thought. Just don't have too much. lol. Food and likewise plants can be classified as drugs.

Great tips Bob. In fact I think I will have some green tea now.

I just Subbed. Good luck with your channel!