View Full Version : Crying over dumb things/Bullying?

06-22-2018, 06:04 PM
I've known for awhile now that i've cried over the smallest things. Like the thought of blood, or my friends leaving me. Or if I remember something that was really bad in my past. And when I do remember or even think about it I either involuntarily shake my head, cry, or try to hide my face. This had been going on ever since 6th grade, where I was severely bullied. It kind of stopped for a year then started up again in 9th grade, not by the same people but from some boy. Whenever I see his face, hear his voice, see or hear someone that looks/sounds like him, I get major anxiety and look for somewhere to hide. I haven't gone in public for one, maybe two years now. Except for school, where I have to go.
It's a longshot but posting this here I was hoping to get some sort of answer or tips you know?

07-01-2018, 04:03 PM
RocketRiot, being upset about being bullied isn't dumb at all. I used to get bullied a lot back in elementary and high school myself. And remembering those unpleasant experiences would make lots of people feel emotional.

07-01-2018, 08:15 PM
I second that. Not dumb at all. The process of learning to cope with unresolved issues is through identifying them. Your sharing like so takes courage. Best tip I can give is to keep sharing.