View Full Version : Are the physical symptoms always there?

12-02-2008, 09:15 AM
A couple things:

When I'm thinking about a symptom, it's there. For instance My feet were tingling real bad the other day, and I was obsessing about it. I started doing something that took my mind off it, a 1/2 hour later, I noticed it was gone. The other day, I said to my wife, my vision has been real good lately, the next day I felt like my vision was shakey.

My question is, there are times when I feel little anxiety and stress and I'm not obsessing (particularly over my health), but I still have physical symptoms. It seems to me that the physical symptoms would be bad during times of high anxiety and much less or gone when I'm relaxed and feeling good. But they are usually always there. Is that how anyone else is?

Lastly, it seems like it is something else every other day. Once I start to feel ok with something, I notice something new. It irks me, because it always seems like there is something to worry about.

12-02-2008, 09:18 AM
Yeah I get that too, it's all linked. I've been a sufferer on and off for 7 years now and I sometimes get all the mental/emotional symptoms without or before the physical ones.

God reading that is depressing lol I need to get over this crap for good.

12-02-2008, 09:43 AM
Yes, I always feel like somethings wrong, especially when I think I don't feel anxious, but still have physical symptoms. If it's not one thing, it's another.