View Full Version : Can't swallow pills anymore, no matter how small

06-18-2018, 04:01 AM
Anyone else has this? It all started when I choked one time, and shortly after I was given these huge antibiotic pills that were giving me a bit of anxiety to swallow them. I took the first 4, and then I changed them to smaller pills. In the meantime I had a whole 4 months of not taking any pills and it seems that now that I have to, I can't anymore. My heart starts racing just as soon as I pull out the pill from its blister. I wanted to force myself to do it and I basically took the pill out of the way in a frightened move just as I was getting ready to swallow it, and only swallowed the water. Its so ridiculous. I am afraid to take even very small pills. Anyone else had this, and if you have how did you cope, and did you manage to overcome it?

06-18-2018, 03:31 PM
Yep - a couple of months after no longer swallowing pills I found I was much better off the damn things than on them. I was no longer addicted or reliant. Best thing that ever happened to me. But that was just me.

You could work with your GP to found alternative ways such as taking them up your ass. (Not kidding!) Powder form is also another way ... but again you will need to check with your doc 1st. Absorption rate of your medicine needs to matched to whatever new way you decide to take your drugs. There are ways and means. Just depends on how desperate you are.

Good luck with that.

Other things to consider would be working on your anxiety when taking your pills (relaxation strategies, warm teas, ect ...) as well as assessing the current condition of your throat with your health care professional.


06-19-2018, 02:10 AM
Thank you for your answer, I might find ways for what I am taking right now, but I'm actually looking for ways to be able to swallow again. It would be a pretty bad impairment, not to be able to get any meds in the regular way. Right now I should be taken a protein pump inhibitor for my gastric reflux, and also the birth control pills. I've been crushing the bc, but I can't take my omeprazole in any way and it's actually worsening my inability to swallow, so it's kind of a vicious cycle

06-19-2018, 03:27 AM
Depends on your perspective. You don't need pills for all those things. Pretty much every pill leads to an impairment over time. For instance whilst it can be reasoned that the elderly may suffer less compared to depleted mineral absorption (regarding reflux medications & long term use) - If your young and already in need for such extreme measures, the lack of mineral health during one's prime could be very much be considered a bad impairment.

Anxiety and relfux go hand in hand. I know it well. Depleted minerals as a side effect to taking relux meds in only one side affect. There are others but hey ... whatever gets people through the day. Even my doctor told my in the end to raise my bed, eat healthy, exercise, meditate and so on. I did not listen then ... but eventually the penny dropped. Doing all those things did have indeed made my reflux more manageable. I still have bouts from time to time ... but at least I now know exactly what's going on and how to treat myself without those damn pills. Obesity was also something those meds combined with all the others I was taking that held me back.

Thankfully all the alternatives that doc was trying to get me to take ... also helped me with my weight.

06-19-2018, 03:38 AM
Thank you very much for your reply. I'm already very careful at what I eat, but I don't think I can get all I need from food at the moment. The swallowing issue is also manifested with food, except if I eat very slow and use water with almost every bite, it's OK. However I eat way less than before. I was a bit overweight, now I'm almost underweight. And eating with water is not a very healthy habit for my stomach, so on the long run I really hope I can find a way to start swallowing normally again

06-19-2018, 04:06 AM
One of my traits is being overly cautious and of course neurotic. Your example shows just how different the outcomes can be when taking the same path. Yes ... you need to resolve the swallowing issue. Definitely keep seeing your local doctor about that.

06-19-2018, 02:06 PM
Try coating them with olive oil.
If still having difficulty, make a visit with your primary physician and ask them to show you the proper technique for taking large pills. You don't have to say it's due to anxiety or anything, just tell them you're having difficulty swallowing.