View Full Version : Anxiety - therapy and help

06-17-2018, 05:12 AM
Hi everybody

Please i need some TIP for my girlfiend, have you some similiar problem?

My girlfriend have diagnostic E41 - Anxiety with some OCD elements and horrible brainfog. Her Anxiety is nearly minutely - every minute, every day - sometimes baddly sometimes lightly. He have brainfog every day - problem with eyes, concentration, memory. He cant sleep 16-hours daily and is always tired, every day fear about everything - her condition, her future and illnes - like a fear about getting schysofrenia.

He change many medicaments - antipsychotics and antidepressive but every medicament her condition aggravete :( . We tried many psychiatrics and terapeuts and all effort do nothing for her better condition. Like a 4-year he getting hard Lyme disease - doctor tell us maybe is this the problem of her intoleranci of medicaments.

Thank you for every tip and help.

Good luck and strengh in you life friends

06-17-2018, 10:40 PM
Hi Marek, so sorry to hear your girlfriend is going through this. I had a very similar story, with brain fog being hands down the worst of my symptoms. However, I was able to recover and restore the clarity in my thinking after I found the right resources. I would highly encourage you to check out my story located here:


It's a lengthy read, but I think your girlfriend would gain a lot by reading through it. I was able to find a resource on the web that gave me the tools unneeded to recover. I wish your girlfriend nothing but the best in her recovery. And I hope things will get better for you both as well!


06-18-2018, 12:41 AM
Much thanks for your replay and like Jordan. I have read trough many sites and blogs this month. Your story and solution of your problem is maybe unique way for fight anxiety. We take a look on this site- anxiety centrum and find some fine psychoterapeut in our ambient. The skype calls are for us not the best way, because our english is weak :) .

So only for confirmation Jordan. Now is my girlfriend in bad condition with strong brainfog and anxiety - your way to fight it now is relaxing her body with some meditation, walks in nature, maybe with some slowly run and work with herself and her head and mind. This all according to her bad condition, overpower this shits and conquer her mind. Yes?

Thank for your time once more ! Good luck