View Full Version : Anxiety because of gaming

06-14-2018, 02:10 AM
Hi I’m a 17 year old male

And I have a problem. I havent gamed for like 24 days because my graphics card was broken. My anxiety decreased much. I finally could look into the mirror without looking away from myself, talked more and felt much more energetic. I also felt no stress inside my body. Wonderfull expierence overall and a eye opener for me, how much gaming affected me mentally and physically.

But I bought a new graphics card because I like to game with friends or on my own. Im gonna try start playing games until 8 o clock maximum and not later. Then I will game around 3 hours a day max. So I can hopefully sleep normal and still have the benefits of not having stress/anxiety/fatigue/headaches/clogged ears

My question is, should I stop gaming completely if gaming less doenst help?. Because I get the feeling I get sucked in to the game too much. Because while I game I have lots of stress and that makes me get anxiety, fatigue etc.

Thanks in advance

06-14-2018, 03:13 AM
Having a dry spell can do wonders. Take up a new hobby or just pick up an old one. Your plenty young so maybe now is a time to try something different for a whiles. Bit like exercise ... when we do too much ... having a break often yields better results. Having a dry spell may offer you a new experience in something else and when you come back to your games, you may find your playing better than you did before. Whilst everyone is different, this concept is often reported to work well for many. In the end only you can tell.

Let us know what you decide and also how it goes for you. They say it takes like 30 days (there abouts) to break and create new habits.

Best of luck. ;)

Welcome To The Forum.

06-16-2018, 01:02 AM
Anything even gaming that becomes an addiction may affect our thinking and mental health.