View Full Version : One day at a time

06-12-2018, 10:55 PM
I know that pushing yourself can be hard, but here's something I like to live by. One day at a time. It's really simple, but it just means that as long as you end up better off at the end of the day than you were at the beginning of the day then you are doing something right. Even if it's that you learned something new it's a win. Just thought I'd put this thought out there.

06-12-2018, 11:35 PM
Welcome to the forum. It's a good thought. TY

06-14-2018, 06:16 PM
Thank you! Glad to be here.

08-08-2018, 12:33 AM
I think yes as much as it is about one day at a time, i think it's got to be better than that...maybe break your day down onto a sheet of A4 and count everything you did/do as a success. this is something taught to me by a previous Councillor. so for example yesterday

* got out of bed
* made it to the shower
* got out of shower and dressed
* packed lunch and snacks for the day
* made coffee (Latte) to have on the way to work in my hot cup
* drove to work
* had breakfast (at work)
* went out at lunch time with people i work with
* Managed a full day at home without crying/breaking down
* drove to the gym
* Managed an hour work out
* Went home
* Showered (again)
* Emptied and re-loaded the dishwasher
* took the kitchen bin bag out to the black bin outside
* did some ironing
* cooked dinner
* eventually made it to bed.

If you look at it in this way, you actually achieve more than you think in a single day. count it all as success.

If a list way doesnt work for you, grab a sheet of A3 paper and mind-map the day..

hope this helps.

08-08-2018, 05:15 AM
Great advice chrisjudson ... is exactly what my journal is for. :) It's not for everyone ... but works really well for those of us that thrive on routine.

08-10-2018, 04:28 PM
Yes, overthinking is bad :)

salvator here
08-10-2018, 05:31 PM
I take things day-by-day. If I look too far ahead I get sad.

Yes I over-think everything, to the point of turning little things into a huge matter that needn't be always.

salvator here
08-11-2018, 03:08 PM
However; technically, you have to be future oriented to create your own destiny.

08-11-2018, 07:35 PM
Hi Sal - Some of my best creations are those I allowed myself to just experience. There's also some great scientists who do their best work when rolling with the results. Often the results lead them rather than them planning what the answers shall be. I do well with short term goals, but only when I draw from past experience in a way that does not see me cling. Problem with today's main stream goal settings is it's too competitive and conflicts with natural states of being. I'll plan to be somewhere in the shade at peak time during summer because I know from experience. That is the extent of my planning - anything else is over extending. Expectation is another story.

Is a grey area to be sure. Finding motivation through knowing what works, a little self help/education - but watch those unrealistic goals that fall into line with all the BS advertising that tells us was to say, think and be. Just know when to sit in the sun and seek out the shade. Bit like knowing when to eat and when to not. People are so BUSY trying to be something they are not and in that process of way out of sync.

My Destiny is Now. Now is all we ever have. Again ... most people are too busy planning for something that never really comes. As soon as it does, there busy planning again.

A Day at a time is good enough ... a short list for that based on what I already know from personal experience.

*&^% the studies. :) I do my own and have fun with that. My results are pretty much always different, which makes most of those studies useless.

mmmmm ... what to do next ... I know ... I just go and do it. It's time to eat!

salvator here
08-12-2018, 09:12 AM
^Thank you for this! That really helped me this morning!

"My Destiny is Now. Now is all we ever have. Again ... most people are too busy planning for something that never really comes. As soon as it does, there busy planning again"

Wow those are powerful words. I get sad when I realize whats up ahead. Now, I actually feel much better about it and will try to enjoy each day and the moment.

Thanks again D!

Matthew Tweedie Anxiety
12-27-2018, 10:39 PM
Thanks for posting as you mentioned in a post “learned something new it's a win” I like your future-oriented approach and it also helps to be perfect by considering all day self-evaluation.

02-25-2020, 03:11 AM
Take a break and enjoy your life.