View Full Version : Is It Possible To Return To Old Job Within The Same Company?

06-11-2018, 11:48 AM
Hi All

I have been working for a company for almost two years.

Within that timeframe. I was working as a Support Worker for 19 months in a Supported Housing setting. It was the best job I ever had. Great management. Great work experience. Great rapport with staff and client's.

But I guess with working career. It's only natural that after a while - you want to explore new experience and a new job up the ladder.

So in April this year. I left my job for a more Specialist role. This new role was working for a different department but under the same management.

Since leaving the role, they have been understaffed. Meaning extra shifts to needing cover.

I wanted to maintain the link I had between my old workplace. So since I left, I have been helping out with overtime. I have helped to cover emergency sick leave. I have emailed my old manager (who is in charge of rota) and volunteered if she needs help to cover shifts. I'll do it.

Two weeks ago, I worked over my hours of work that I shouldn't have done. I worked 58 hours one week and another 53 hours the following week. I bought it to my old manager's attention so she is aware. Someone previously told me it's against the law to work over 48 hours.

Even this to be the case. I wanted my old manager to be aware. But I don't want her to get into trouble. And I continued to offer to work over my hours as I am 100% committed to helping out my old project. My old project remains a very special place in my heart.

So since starting this new role. I have found it's not working for me. It doesn't motivate me. It's more paperwork based. You meet less with clients. Your meeting with client's perhapes on a once a month basis. Management bitch about previous employees and how they left. You spend too much time in the office. Our number of client's will be going up to 25 per colleague. This means - more paperwork and less interaction with clients. I just find it boring. I started to feel this way on the second week. I thought I'd give it time - as it's a new role and things could change.

Somehow it's been another four weeks. I am now at week 6 at my new role. I still feel the same emotions. I feel it's time to look for another job. I was even willing to work there for 6 months and then look into requesting or applying for my old job back.

Anyway, I found out today another colleague is leaving my old project next month. So they are desperate and struggling with shifts to be covered.

I thought this would be my perfect opportunity to request for my old job back.

So I have requested to meet with my old manager tomorrow for a catch up.

The only thing is - I'm scared she will decline my asking if I can come back? Since I only left 6 weeks ago. She might say it's not enough time. But I guess, with my correct reasoning - I'm hoping she will be grateful especially as she now needs cover for the extra vacant. I'm also hoping with my loyalty after I left will increase my chances with coming back.

Even if she can't transfer me back. I plan on applying for the role when it goes up.

Do you have any tips or advice on my meeting tomorrow and the correct reasons being diplomatic on why I want to return?
