View Full Version : Long list of Medications, looking for help?

12-02-2008, 06:21 AM
Hello Everyone!

I have been searching for an Anxiety related forum for sometime and just happened across the site today. Hopefully I can get some advice on my situation.

I was diagnosed many years ago with general and social anxiety disorders. For the most part it was decided that my Anxiety might be caused by my brain chemicals being off and not so much a traumatic experience. As nothing has ever been uncovered. With that being said I have tried many medications and pretty much gave up about 2 years ago on treatment. However today I still suffer greatly from social anxiety, which causes me to be very uncomfortable and fairly miserable doing anything outside my home.

My main concern is how bad it effects my wife and kids. Not only do we end up staying in most of the time but my aloofness is starting to rub off on my kids who also have been showing signs of being less social.

I would give anything to not feel so horrible when we take the family out to do things!

I have recently been reading up on Herbal remedies to help with Anxiety and was wondering if anyone had any luck with it? I was thinking about buying Kava Extract and Valerian to try?

Also I want to list my medications and see if there has been anything new to come out that might be worth going back to a doctor and trying.

Effexor XR
Wellbutrin XL
Paxil CR
Wellburtrin XL

Thanks for any help and advice I appreciate it!

12-02-2008, 09:50 AM
hi aleforge, i'm sorry you've had such a struggle, it must be so difficult for you especially with a family to care for on top of your own worries :(

i've already written a bit post on the kinds of things that helped me through anxiety, you may find some of them helpful, i managed to make it through without using long term medication :) take a look here: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

what i would suggest, if you haven't already done it, is to seek out therapy of some sort. cognitive behaviour therapy is highly recommended for anxiety, you can ask your doctor about it. i went to a psychotherapist for just over a year and found it incredibly helpful, i also went for a couple of sessions of neuro linguistic programming which again helped me out a lot. i really hope you find something helpful here.

welcome to the forum by the way! :)