View Full Version : Hi, new member suffering again

mr brick
12-02-2008, 02:47 AM
Hi, I'm a 38 yr old guy, suffered with anxiety on and off, mostly on since I was 23. Been on a bit of a downward slope since my long term girlfriend (14 years) left me a few months back, Finally got too much for me at work yesterday, was working outside in really cold bad weather - had to come home near to tears head spinning, feeling sick, full on panic attack,

Made appointment this morning to see Doctor later today, have been on Seroxat before which helped and later Citalopram which didn't. Just killing time waiting for Drs appointment, feeling pretty anxious and down, got the heating turned up but still feel cold and shivery, heads in a bit of a whirl, keep needing toilet, been here so many times before but it doesn't get any easier, feel pretty burnt out and exhausted, everything aches.

Guess I should be positive in as much as I am seeking help but don't feel positive at all, Got in touch with my ex, we still remain good friends and she was really supportive, she came round for a bit last night and was very reassuring, she's had similar problems and understands. Parents are pretty good too, Dad is giving me a lift to the Doctors in half an hour.

Sorry if I'm rambling a bit, always get anxious before visiting Doctors, don't know why as they are usually pretty good at my practise. Thanks for reading. Reading the forum always helps knowing I'm not 'the only one'

Mr B

mr brick
12-03-2008, 02:14 AM
Visited the Doctors yesterday, The GP I saw was very understanding, he put me on a course of Sertraline and gave me a short course of Diazepam and signed me off work for a few days. Took the first Sertaline tablet yesterday, made me feel a bit woozy headed, had the same thing with the other SSRIs I've taken before so nothing worrying there. Usually only lasts a few days then just got to wait for them to start having an effect. Couldn't stop yawning but had a bit of trouble getting to sleep but did eventually drop off. Don't feel too great this morning but I guess I'm less flustererd and anxious than I was yesterday, weather is pretty grotty here at the mo' which doesn't help, snow ice, dark clouds, Hopefully it'll brighten up later and I'll get out for a bit of a walk. In the mean time I guess I'll do something positive and run a hoover round the house and do the washing up.