View Full Version : Could this be caused by anxiety?

05-14-2018, 09:08 AM
I've had this condition gradually creeping up over the past 6 weeks. Its a shortness in my muscles in my back, hamstrings, and tendon or muscle pain in the groin area. I've gone from being a very fit and active person, a good cyclist, to basically being unable to put my socks on without a huge amount of agony. I can't pick anything up off the floor and when I change from sitting to standing I have to do it slowly because of back pain. All my other muscles seem ok, I can still walk except there's a bit of knee pain, but I'm having to sleep midday as well and take painkillers to relieve the pain which is huge. I can't work much because sitting down is too uncomfortable and the pain is starting to affect my ability to concentrate

I know I've gone through a period with a huge amount of stress in the past 4 months and I have definitely had physical symptoms of anxiety, but I'm not really one to worry about anything - so I need to work out whats going on here. Every day the problem just gets more and more painful. Could this simply be an anxiety attack ? getting gradually worse over 6 weeks and still getting worse now ? I think the amount of pain I am in is possibly causing more anxiety reactions as its difficult not to think about it because of the amount of pain.

05-28-2018, 10:40 PM
Not that is not an anxiety attack, however anxiety could of inadvertently lead to and be stopping the healing process. Sounds like there is something more to the story of a psychical nature.

It's been a while since this post. Have you seen a medical professional and how are you feeling now?

05-29-2018, 06:08 AM
Have checked your body for bit by thick? Lyme disease , god forbid, or some kind of virus, You need to go to doctor to do complex diagnostic blood tests. my friend went through it , I could not believe ; anxiety everyone deals with it nowdays, Try to see the doctor please

05-30-2018, 04:51 PM
Well gosh after 8 weeks of increasing pain I finally went to the doctors 2 weeks ago.

I've gone from being a very fit cyclist at the front of the chain gang to someone who can't get out of bed, can't get dressed, aching all day, and excruciating pain on some movements

The doctors have been giving me BS for years about anxiety and I believed them. When I went to counselling we couldn't find any anxiety except really what was normal in someone who was ill and being ignored by doctors

My bloods are showing an autoimmune muscle disease, I'll find out what in the next few days, probably

I think there's a lesson for everyone in this xx. i.e. beware of (especially UK NHS) doctors misdiagnosing anxiety when you really did have something wrong.

Will update asap

05-30-2018, 07:13 PM
oh at least you have an idea what it is , yes NHS is awful, peeps who life in UK complain that they prescribe Acetaminophen (tylenol) for every disease,

06-20-2018, 11:55 AM
Morphine, codeine, paracetamol, ibuprofen, cox2 inhibitors.. still in agony and sleeping all the time !

But at least its not anxiety :)

Its amazing how my mental health state has massively improved since I no longer have doctors giving me bullshit. They actually cause anxiety by telling you you have anxiety when you don't.

I still don't have a diagnosis and despite the pain I really have nothing to be anxious about other than doctors causing silly delays, but I can manage that by chasing them in a constructive way.

My little foray into the world of anxiety was still a useful one, I learned a lot. I've definitely had some minor issues in the past and this place has helped me. Everyone has some anxiety, lots of us have some mental health vulnerabilities, noone is really like Mr T off the A team ;) who knows he might even be on here :)

06-20-2018, 02:16 PM
Well said p1234. The flip side to that is having to constantly prove one is sick to get help.

Despite these setbacks, we can still adopt our own healthy mindsets whilst jumping through hoops.