View Full Version : Need help dealing with allergies and anxiety

05-10-2018, 09:34 PM
Hi I'm new here been suffering from anxiety for year about two weeks ago I came down with an inner ear infection I had dizziness so bad I was unable to walk l was put an antibiotic for 10 days all doe with them I was still getting dizzy I went back to my dr she looked in my way and said it still had Floyd in it then she I have came down with allergies then she put me on Flonase and zyrtec I have heard that Flonase can make anxiety worse has anyone ever been on this meds befor and what was you experience I do know I have had a hard time sleeping last night

05-12-2018, 06:52 PM
Bryan, if the Flonase is making your anxieties worse, then ask your doctor if the Flonase is only going to cause anxieties for you on a temporary basis or not.

05-12-2018, 08:40 PM
welcome to the forum. Flanase will not make anxiety worse, believe me, I am old woman dealing with anxiety for over 50 years, at the same time i deal with allergies, a lot of that. The older medication for asthma and allergies contains a lot of ingredients that caused the anxiety but not the flonase. I had been on it for years. The symbicort I am on now may cause higher heart beat thats all.
I had inner ear infection about ten years ago and the dizzines still is here, I have to slowly turn in the bed to avoid it . The ENT doc and neurologist (I went through all tests) told me that something is floating in my ear and it will eventually absorb, It had, I think due my age I have some dizziness left. 10 days on antibiotic is pretty normal. I would rather think that your health anxiety makes it worse
Good luck with that dizziness, it makes me miserable when i get it, Driving is out of picture :)