View Full Version : feeling hopeless

11-30-2008, 08:08 AM
hey so i just would like some opinions here. first off im only 17, male, and ive been diagnosed with GAD. anyways, a few days ago i drank a small bottle of nyquil because i was depressed and heard it could get me high(i know stupid as hell but i wasnt thinking at the time. anyways, it had a very strong effect on me phycalogically. ive never felt this empty, drained, scared in my life. so the night this all happened i just couldnt sleep due to paranoia and whatnot, also i tell myself that im going to feel all better in the morning....unlucky for me, i still felt pretty out of it. infact at times i thought i had gone permanently retarded. Since this all happened(which was a few days ago like i said), i have had insomnia and like i said, HEAVY anxiety. What hurts me a lot is that i told my mom the whole story and this is the second time ive had a bad trip from something. luckily, my mom found some of my old alprazolam that i stopped taking a while ago and i just took one this morning. This is the last time i will make such an awful decision like this. I'm done with drugs. I need to seek a counselor. anyways my doctor who prescribes drugs(i dont know the name of the occupation) is in his office tomarow so i will try to call him and see what he says about all of this and hopefully find a way to finally sleep.
