View Full Version : A little help panic attack from shaking hands

04-22-2018, 04:32 PM
Ok.... I need a little help out there. I am 40 years old. I struggle from anxiety and recently it has gotten worse. I have a appt with a therapist in a week. Most recently I have struggled with health anxiety. I also suffer from essential tremors and anxiety makes it worse. My thumb shakes the worse on my left hand the worst. It gets really bad if i'm using it to do something on the phone. In the last week when I put my hands down the thumb takes between 6- 30 secs to calm down (yes I have timed it). Then it is good until I move it again. It can be good for hours then it will do its little shake. Of course I did the wrong thing and googled it. Now I am convinced I have parkinson's. When i get to a good place I will feel my thumb shake and it will send me into a panic attack again. My question is has anyone experienced this? I am very close to either going to the hospital or a neuro.

04-23-2018, 05:54 PM
Hi Nate! That doesn't sound fun at all :/ I don't have any shakes or tremors quite like that, but there are days where my hand will just tremble for hours, for no apparent reason. I also tend to get eye and muscle twitches when my anxiety is really bad. Magnesium is supposed to be really good for that. Of course, a general practitioner could give you more insight into why our bodies do what they do, and they could provide a better way to calm the shake down. I recommend going to your general doctor, as they'll look at the bigger picture first and probably provide the fastest relief :)

04-24-2018, 12:59 AM
You can consult a psychologist.

04-24-2018, 10:59 AM
A little update I went to my GP for the panic I felt. When I got there my heart rate was 125bpm it is normally 60-65. She said that would be the main reason for me to be acting like I was. She also asked how long I had been feeling this way I told her over a week. She was concerned that if my heart has been going that fast for over a week that is not the most healthy thing. She gave me a script for Klonopin. I took when when I got home then one before bed. Before bed my heart rate was the the mid 70s and my hands were very light tremor and no resting tremor. Also my anxiety level when from a 20 down to a 2. I can think logically. This afternoon I have an apt with a psychologist. I also have an apt with a neuro that I think I am going to keep just to get checked out. Hopefully this path will get my anxiety under check.