View Full Version : Feel

11-29-2008, 05:35 AM

11-29-2008, 11:08 AM
hello, please try and not let this anxiety totally control your life. I am 30 years old and have been fighting a panic disorder my whole life. You have to fight and never give up. sure, you will have good and bad days. Some days you may feel normal and other days feel like you are totally loosing touch with reality around you. you are not alone with the feeling not real. everyone who suffers with this disorder has felt that feeling. I get it alot. And believe me it is the worst part of an anxiety disorder. We have to fight and never give up. Jesus is what has got me through the toughest parts of anxiety and panic. Faith in him can give you the will not to give up. you are not alone in this fight. I to when I was 14 had the feeling of not being real almost every day. And guess what I am still here. I am not saying sometimes it does get me down. But, we must get a will to live and fight. Life is just starting for you. You will be fine I promise you. if you ever want to talk pm me. Good luck and God Bless.

11-29-2008, 03:19 PM
cherli i'm sorry to see you feeling sad so young :( have you spoken to anyone about how you feel? it might be helpful to speak to someone in your life about it who can offer support and help when you need it. it might be helpful to remember that at your age unfortunately hormones are running amok all over your body and can make you feel upset and unbalanced, it may be something you grow away from as you get older. dealing with how you feel now is important though, it might be a good idea to find an outlet for how you feel - are you creative in any way, do you like to write/draw/dance/sing/paint/take photographs?? turning how you feel into energy and creating with it can be very theraputic :) if you would like to look at other ways that you can help yourself out with anxiety then please take a look at this other thread: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/about4087.html

i hope this helps a bit :)