View Full Version : Feeling weird when wearing certain things

04-02-2018, 10:22 AM
Hi all!

Maybe you people can give me some tips about overcoming my problem.

Firstly, I'm a mid 20's, male. Thing is that I like sandals (Tevas, etc) BUT, I always feel weird when I go out in them. I kinda feel that everyone are watching me and I can't stop thinking about what they might think. I even sometimes try to avoid going near other people when I wear sandals or I get really nervous when I need to wait next to someone (in queues or so). I always feel they are watching and it makes me feel uncomfortable.
I do know that actually we don't pay that much attention to other people's clothing and such (at least I don't) but it just feels weird.

When I was younger I kind of hated sandals but maybe 8 years ago I found out that I actually like and enjoy wearing them. It's only that problem that is keeping me back sometimes.

Would there be any tips for me to try to get over it?