View Full Version : Health Anxiety Issue: What is the chance of a squirrel biting me in the face?

03-24-2018, 05:32 PM
I have a really bad rabies fear. So I was walking outside today on campus and there are a lot of squirrels here who do not seem afraid of people at all. They will be right next to you. So I was walking by a tree and I saw a squirrel go to the other side of a tree ands so I walked a couple steps past the tree and turned around and stopped to see what it was doing(I like watching squirrels i think they are cute) and as soon as I turned around something cut my lip and then I looked and the squirrel was standing by the tree staring at me. Now on my jacket there is this zipper thing that goes about to my lip is and I think that is probably what cut me when I turned my head around to see , but now I'm afraid that the squirrel jumped up at face level to me and bit me while I was turning around because I was too close to where it was and that is why I didn't see it happen . What is the likelihood of that happening?