View Full Version : What is your trigger?

03-20-2018, 02:14 PM
Everyone keeps talking about a trigger that causes anxiety or panic to set in. What is yours? I have no clue as to what mine is. I wish I did then I could work on fixing my problem.

03-20-2018, 03:48 PM
Only one thing - nausea! literally...I could have some lunatic knocking at my door or hear a ghost and my panic trigger wouldnt set off haha...

03-21-2018, 03:04 PM
I have a variety of triggers... feeling confined...no "exit." I think that's why flying is so stressful for me. I also have to do presentations to groups at least once, usually twice a month for my job. I'm usually ok but get into moments of anxiety and panic about it. I'm in one of those cycles now...the trigger for me is all of the eyes are on me to perform. Even when I don't think there is a trigger there usually is...if I really think about it.

03-21-2018, 07:08 PM
Only one thing - nausea! literally...I could have some lunatic knocking at my door or hear a ghost and my panic trigger wouldnt set off haha...

Sadly I think nausea also triggers mine

03-21-2018, 07:09 PM
I have a variety of triggers... feeling confined...no "exit." I think that's why flying is so stressful for me. I also have to do presentations to groups at least once, usually twice a month for my job. I'm usually ok but get into moments of anxiety and panic about it. I'm in one of those cycles now...the trigger for me is all of the eyes are on me to perform. Even when I don't think there is a trigger there usually is...if I really think about it. sounds like agoraphobia. What do you do to deslnwith it?

04-23-2018, 06:33 PM
Oh boy, I have a few.
- When my husband doesn't seem to be responsive to me
- When I can tell he's thinking of another person (we have an ongoing marital issue we are working through; he communicates it well, thank goodness)
- When my husband is stressed or dealing with his own anxiety
- When he wants some alone time

- When a coworker asks me for an update on a project
- When a coworker asks me anything that seems like an accusation
- When customers are difficult
- When customers verbally abuse my staff
- When I think about my workload

- When anyone startles me (which happens ALL THE TIME)
- If I think anyone is talking about me
- When I think about school
- When I think about the future

And more :/

04-25-2018, 07:09 PM
Exhaustion and my heart beating faster/stronger or having a hard time breathing, and worrying about having panic attacks.

04-26-2018, 04:19 PM
Financial issues can cause me to get anxious, although I don't get nearly as panicky as I did years ago.

If an unexpected financial cost comes up, such as my car unpredictably breaking down, it can be a trigger for me.

04-29-2018, 03:56 PM
Mine tends to be thought oriented. When I anticipate something in the future, or have negative thoughts, my anxiety gets activated and I start to get "triggered" with my symptoms. When I am distracted or being positive, I don't tend to have any anxiety symptoms.

But, in terms of what makes me more likely to get these thoughts, for me, it's been:

1. Eating with people
2. Events where I am not free to leave/"exit"
3. Events where I will have to talk a lot (my only physical symptoms are a hyperactive gag reflex, and it can prevent me from even talking, which is quite maddening!)

04-30-2018, 05:10 PM
My triggers are random. I will be having perfectly positive thoughts and all of a sudden i feel like i am about to pass out, i can't breath and i feel very fearful and confused when i go to sit down my legs tremor. Oh and i sweat really bad. This attack usually only lasts 5 minutes and then i start to get freezing and I'm back to normal. I used to cry after bc i was scared but now i know whats happening. I wish i knew the trigger!