View Full Version : If Your Shrink Sees You In Public And Doesn't Say "Hi" To You

03-18-2018, 10:50 AM
In this day and age, the stigma against mental illness isn't as bad as it used to be, I think.

But since the stigma still exists, their are lots of laws and rules that mental health professionals are required to abide by when it comes to keeping their patients mental health issues confidential.

And in Maine, United States, one law is that if a mental health professional sees one of his or her clients/patients walking around in public, such as at a grocery store, for example, he or she cannot come up to that person and say "Hi" to them. If they were allowed to do so and others saw this, they might suspect that the person works with the mental health professional.

So if you are out and about and you see your therapist in public and that counselor doesn't say "Hi" to you, he or she probably isn't being rude to you. Instead, they're just following the laws and rules of being a mental health professional.

03-19-2018, 04:41 AM
In this day and age, the stigma against mental illness isn't as bad as it used to be, I think. But since the stigma still exists, their are lots of laws and rules that mental health professionals are required to abide by when it comes to keeping their patients mental health issues confidential. And in Maine, United States, one law is that if a mental health professional sees one of his or her clients/patients walking around in public, such as at a grocery store, for example, he or she cannot come up to that person and say "Hi" to them. If they were allowed to do so and others saw this, they might suspect that the person works with the mental health professional. So if you are out and about and you see your therapist in public and that counselor doesn't say "Hi" to you, he or she probably isn't being rude to you. Instead, they're just following the laws and rules of being a mental health professional. terima kasih atas postingan anda

03-20-2018, 02:06 PM
I would prefer that they do not say hi. Maybe a friendly smile or nod.

I saw one the other day and I was with some people. Wouldn't that be a fun introduction. "Oh, this is my psychologist"

03-27-2018, 02:24 PM
They may well be not alowed to say hi because of professional reason's or just the fact that they don't wish to draw attention to the fact you know someone in that profession so you can have total privacy about you're health

03-30-2018, 08:48 AM
I saw my old therapist at the pet store a while back. It's just a very weird feeling having shared so much personal information with her and to pass her like a stranger on the street. I really don't care who knows that I go to therapy and have anxiety issues. Breaking down the walls and stigmas around mental health is one of my life goals.
