View Full Version : radiation anxiety

03-10-2018, 03:30 PM
Hello everybody im a 20 year old male last year when i was 19 i was having some bowel issues witch turned out to be celiac disease. anyway in january last year my doctor sent me for some abdominal x rays which didnt pick anything up so a couple of months later in april my doctor sent me for an abdominal and pelvic CT scan witch did pick up an umbilical hernia. But now im worried about getting cancer later in life because of the CT scan have any of you guys had a ct scan around my age im sorry i just have bad anxiety. I really havent had any other xrays in my life other than ones i just mentioned.I take really good care of myself and i exercise and take vitamin c everyday and also multivitamins and i dont smoke. Its just i hate all these reports on google about CT scan radiation it it really scares me to death.

03-11-2018, 02:41 PM
Kess, have you talked to a doctor, such as your doctor who ordered the CT scan, who is knowledgeable about the risks and benefits of CT scans? He or she may be able to give you some good quality information about it which may calm you down.

Campbell smith
09-28-2018, 01:36 AM
Up to 49% of patients attending radiation therapy appointments may experience anxiety and distress. Anxiety is heightened during the first few visits to radiation oncology.