View Full Version : Controlling OCD thoughts

03-06-2018, 01:04 PM
I'm not OCD in the sense of ritual tidying or anything like that, but I do get obsessive thoughts and whenever there's some issue coming up I can't ever stop thinking about it.

In many situations this works to my advantage, because I'm thinking about things so much that I come up with good ideas and clever ways of doing things.

A few weeks ago I checked myself in for counselling and its going really well. But the problem is I just can't get my brain off the topic. I have a lot to do in work but I'm really struggling to focus because my brain is constantly practising over and over the conversations I've had and the ones I will have with the counsellor. Although thats helped me progress in the process that the counselling is intended for, its taken over my brain. help !

In the last session the stars really lined up well so theres no real need to obsess and keep thinking, I should be able to just leave it now that things are nicely put in their right place, but still I can't stop these thought processes.

So not much hope for an answer because how do you control such a brain ? any thoughts or ideas or things to try would be much appreciated though :) p x

03-07-2018, 01:59 PM
P1234, I used to think too much about certain things. But now I don't nearly as much because I don't put all my eggs in one basket. My future doesn't depend on one thing. And realizing this helps me not to think too much about one thing.

03-08-2018, 04:40 AM
Yes, good point, thank you. Its still happening, but improving slowly.

Two One
03-16-2018, 12:31 PM
It's a bad idea to try and control obsessive and intrusive thoughts. As some who suffers from severe OCD, I can tell you that attempting to control the thoughts, or trying to neutralize them only results in more suffering. Try allowing yourself to experience the thoughts and any sensations that may accompany them. Lean into the experience and hear the noise, but don't do anything with it. I hope this was helpful.

03-26-2018, 04:45 AM
Yes. I have to get the thoughts over and done with, ignoring them doesn't help.