View Full Version : Looking for advice= borderline personality disorder and burnout/fatigue/ibs/bloating.

03-05-2018, 03:19 PM

I am a 29 year old woman who has been diagnosed with BPD for close to 2 years now. When I was younger I struggled through college & University with a learning disability, as I grew older I had many leave of absences from work. After I landed my dream job, I again got very sick, taking 2 leaves and resigning in Aug of 2017. Every time I get sick i seem to get worse, bloating, pain, insomnia , nausea, , IBS, fatigue to the point where I cant even climb stairs ( and I am very fit). The gym is my happy place, i have been lifting weights and doing cardio and this past year and a half alot of yoga.

In January I joined a yoga training program that is five months long. I am once again having the physical parts- pain at night so I cannot sleep, bloating, ibs, and exhaustion now to the point that i can no longer workout which is my love. I am so scared to drop out of being a yoga teacher as i have a hard time with identity issues.,

Have any of you out there pushed through chronic exhaustion for months? I assume it will get worse in time. Any advice?