View Full Version : Update On Dating Unavailable Guy!

03-04-2018, 10:06 AM
Hi All

Here is a quick update on my original story. Here is the link for full story:

Anyway, my EX boyfriend. Feels refreshing and quite weird saying that.

He stayed over on Friday evening. Made it clear that he didn't want to discuss our relationship and nor his decision. However, he informed he wants to maintain in a relationship together. However, we cuddled up and he admitted he likes affection but in small doses.

I texted him last night initiating that I want us to sleep together today when he comes over. He agreed that he wasn't going to drink nor take meds for the day.

At first he promised me he would come over at 12pm today and then changed it to 15:30pm. I wasn't happy and then he changed it to 2pm.

He rang me later and informed he was going to the pub to have lunch and a shandy. He wasn't going to chicken out and he will be at my house at 2pm.

It came to 2:30pm and no sign of him. I rang him and he informed he was still at the pub. He had two beers and was finishing his dinner. He then backtracked and said he had two shandys.

It came to 15:15pm and he turned up at my house. He came in and admitted he had 2 beers. He never apologised. Obviously he drank to avoid sleeping with me.

I got into bed whilst he laid on my bed. I laid in bed crying. Tears rolling down my face. He tried to hug me but I told him not to touch me.

I guess, I realised enough was enough. It wasn't the fact that he lied to me and made promises he didn't want to keep. He didn't show any care nor respect for me despite making plans and then doing something else. He didn't have the decency to be honest instead he strung me along.

I woke up at last and realised I had to end it.

I asked him to leave. I told him it was over between us. I've had enough of the lack of communication. He admitted he found it difficult to come over and sleep together. I feel more for him more than he feels for me. He wants to remain in the relationship with me and he does care for me very much.

I made it clear that he should be honest and instead of stringing me along - then he should pick up the phone and tell the truth. He admitted he was scared of the reaction but I informed I would respect him more if he just told me the truth.

I also informed that he has dodged us talking about the status of our relationship. He doesn't communicate and isn't honest. When he pushes me away when I go to touch him, it feels like rejection. I told him I missed him whilst he was on holiday and he couldn't tell me the same.

He left my house without a fuss.

Although I cried madly when he left. But I realised it was something I had to do.

Now it's time to work on myself and my self esteem issues.

03-04-2018, 12:35 PM
Well, good for you. I have a rather odd perspective on your case, because I can (I don't know you or him), but I can sort of relate to your feller, and though it's not the same case per-se, I can tell you I think you did the right thing. I had a relationship years back that I ruined completely due to not being upfront and honest. I don't know if it's his case, but I to would dodge, and even disappear for periods of time. I know she though it was because I didn't care, but the fact of the matter was I was going through some things in my life, that where making it hard for me to commit fully, and I was a coward, frozen by fear from doing the right thing -> saying the truth. The more I waited to tell her what was really going on, the harder it got to do so. Eventually she broke up with me. It took me years to work on myself enough to get me to a point where I could fully correspond another person. It wasn't easy, but I would probably never have done it if she hadn't broke up with me. So I tell you, you did the right thing, not only for you, but for him too. I know it's hard, since you seem to really care about him, but it was the right thing to do, and you both will be better off for it.

03-08-2018, 04:52 AM
amazing sharing thank you for thiss.