View Full Version : Insomnia causing an anxiety attack? Anyone else suffer?

03-04-2018, 03:04 AM
Does anyone have tips on this?

I was on medication for depression and anxiety for many years. I been off of them for a year now and doing pretty good but i have an issue where when I have extreme insomnia like tonight ( 4am and did not sleep at all) and out of the blue when I was close to falling asleep I had a night time panic attack or night terror. Unknown cause. I had to get dressed and go outside and get some fresh cold air which helps and walk it off. Does anyone have tips on how to overcome night time panic attacks? I am not worried nor have anything pressing on my mind to cause this. There is nothing to cause my insomnia so I am guessing I ither stayed up too late to try and sleep or its something I ate. Most of my panic attacks like this are usually always at night. It is miserable to feel like your going to die or something but you know you are irrational and its just a panic attack. Usually I walk it off for 30 minutes to an hr or shower and I smap out of it but since is almost sunrise and still have not slept I am thinking That i will just try to take a nap during the day.