View Full Version : Anxiety and relationships

11-26-2008, 09:10 AM
Hello everyone!

I've suffered with general anxiety disorder for close to 15 years. I am currently on a new medication, Cymbalta, to combat it and the depression that has developed with my anxiety lately. I've only been taking the meds for under a week.

Right now, I'm just feeling out of sorts and worrisome. I am in a wonderful relationship with a wonderful girl. We are very much in love and have talked about future plans and things of that nature. Definitely one of the best relationships I have ever been in. Still, I doubt....

I find myself worrying that she will just leave me, get sick of me, lose interest in me, even though I know if there was a problem she'd tell me. I find myself getting worked up almost daily about it and she knows what I go through. We've discussed my issues with anxiety and she has been there for me and helped when she could. We are also in a long distance relationship, which adds to my worries.

Even though nothing is wrong and things are good, is it normal to feel like this? I feel like I'm driving myself crazy and I'm now afraid to tell her about my almost daily concerns for fear of driving her away. Things have gotten better since I switched meds, but it's almost as if a brand new day brings brand new worries.

Is there anybody out there who feels the same? Should I be feeling this way? How do I cope? I just need some guidance.... Thank you.

12-01-2008, 10:08 AM
Bump! Any help?

12-04-2008, 01:49 PM
hi echo :)

many people on this forum have spoken about similar feelings & i went through similar stuff myself. my feelings are that your anxiety is just focused on your relationship at the moment, if it wasn't the relationship then you'd probably find something else to worry about, it's just how the anxious mind works if you know what i mean? so my advice is to try not to worry too much about the realationship, but to focus on yourself and getting better. if the anxiety begins to lift i bet your worries about your relationship will also fade away, that's how i experienced it anyway :)

have you tried anything along with the meds to work on the anxiety? i have written a long post about the kinds of things i found helpful getting through anxiety, you might like to take a look: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i hope you find something helpful in it :)

12-05-2008, 01:04 AM
I think that long distance relationships are super tough on people whether they suffer from anxiety or not!! Feeling worried about things working out is only natural, especially if you're relying on email or phone calls rather than face to face interaction!

Just look to the future and keep planning. Having something to focus on will help you feel less anxious :)