View Full Version : How irrational is irrational?

11-26-2008, 08:41 AM
Long time anxiety sufferer. Usually obsessed about health and was finally able to overcome that 5 or so years ago and haven't really had a problem until this past week. But it's not health I'm obsessing over this time.

I suddenly have this irrational fear of being falsely thrown in jail. I have no reason for that, I've never done anything wrong except the parking/speeding ticket. But I've just been consumed about being falsely accused of something, anything, that I'm actually losing sleep over it. I wake up thinking about it, I fall asleep thinking about it. It intrudes every spare thought to the point I'm losing the present for fear of the future. Maybe I watch too much TV?

Is this the most irrational fear or can someone top it? While you're at it, any advice getting over this hump is appreciated.

11-30-2008, 11:35 AM
This is exactly the same thing that i am feeling anxious about. I have had it before as well, i convinced myself that i was going to prison for speeding and i hadn't even had a ticket! I am now worried that i am going to prison and i dont even know why i would be, it seems crazy but it feels real.