View Full Version : feeling unreal anyone experience this

11-25-2008, 06:07 PM
I have a panic disorder and ocd. has anyone evere felt they were not real? What triggers it is I look at a picture of myself and feel like it is not really me. I never have done this before. But, now I wake up at night feeling crazy like my thoughts are totally racing. Sometimes I am thinking of stuff that make no sense at all. This scares me. it makes me feel like iam gonna forget evrything and everyone. The more I think about it the worst I feel. Anyone have any advice on how to beat this? I did beat all this 2 years ago. But, no it is back and I just want to be me again. Thanks :unsure:

11-26-2008, 09:46 AM

I just wanted to say. I don't yet know how to beat it, but I know exactly how you're feeling.

I look in the mirror, and see me, but it doesn't really seem like me. Or I'm doing things in my life, but it doesn't feel like this is my life, even though I know it is.

I definitely feel like I'm losing my mind half the time. I feel very separated from me and my life.

It's a horrible feeling.

11-28-2008, 02:51 PM
can relate totally to what your both saying, its the same for me, feelings of depersonalisation they call it but i call it scary as hell!!!!
it has got better though, couldnt even walk down the street a few years ago without feeling like i was gonna fall through the ground. sounds funny in print but not at the bloody time!!!

i hear the best way to get through it is to stop trying to stop it, face it and eventually will realise it cant harm ya so the feelings will go!!
anybody got through it and ok now?? any advice would be appreciated :)