View Full Version : Sleep anxiety, can't get rid of it...

02-09-2018, 02:41 AM
It's 3:34 now and I have school soon, but I can't sleep

I started not being able to sleep about a week and a half ago after I took Mucinex D at night and started having adverse effects.

Now I'm still having this problem, and I can't go to sleep without the use of Advil PM. Melatonin won't work for me at all.

I feel like any regular tired person when I'm about to sleep but then once I'm in bed for a good 20 minutes I start getting stomach butterflies and my heart starts beating fast, keeping me up all night.

I do have a history of anxiety, as I had it 3 years ago (it went away by itself) and now it's running its course again, but only at the worst possible time of the day, which is during my precious sleeping hours.

I'm worried and angry at the same time, and I feel I will never be able to get rid of this crap and I will have to be reliant on Advil PM forever. Someone please help.

02-09-2018, 05:41 PM
Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry for the late reply, I hope you got some sleep at least.

I don't know anything about the meds you're taking as I'm not a doctor. I know though that if you rely too much on meds, eventually they'll lose effect and you'll have to up your doses which only gives negative effects instead of positive.

I've been through the same. You sit and watch TV, you start feeling tired, you head to your bed and as soon as you lie down your body goes full action mode: wave of thoughts hits you, heartbeat racing and you twist and turn desperately wanting to force yourself to sleep. It's a pain in the ass and it ruins your days.

I was adviced to start eating better, exercise more, vitamins, meditation, etcetc. In all truth it does help as it makes you even more tired at the end of the day and reduces the stress making it harder for the "wave of sh*t" to hit you when you're about to sleep. Gets your thoughts out of the way. You let them out there and then instead of carrying them and "saving" them for when you're about to go to sleep. For a permanent solution, I'd advice that aswell. Eat better, take vitamins, skip medications, exercise and try some meditation. Let go of all of your physical and mental unnecessary energy when they reach you. Don't carry them in with you to bed. We spend the day so distracted on our phones, PCs, TVs, school, jobs, social media etc. that our reactions of anything that stumbles upon us becomes delayed.

For a temporary solution, if you find yourself in that place again where you eagerly want to sleep but the "wave of sh*t" hits you - get up from bed. Do something else. You will not fall asleep with that feeling, trust me. Let the wave pass through. Your mentality should be that you don't even care if you get sleep or if you don't.

I hope this can be some what be helpful. Good luck!! :)


02-09-2018, 06:56 PM
AliasEQ <3 welcome back , however you are here and I do not know if it is a good sign. Are you back to anxiety?

02-10-2018, 01:37 PM
Dahila!! <3 Thank you!

Going through a rough time at the moment. Helping others seems to be soothing though. Helping people helps me, as cheesy as that sounds. I hope you're doing fine though? :)

'“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
- Where do you find these awesome quotes? :D

02-10-2018, 02:39 PM
it does not sound cheesy, I feel the same way, that's Tagore probably the biggest hindu poet , I loved and love him however I had read his translation in Polish (my first language) and in English. I like the translation to English most
I am doing ok in general but it is life time long struggle , you got this SOB anxiety once it stays for life but I am still learning how to respond to stress, I am not really successful in this, probably never will but I am still kicking :)
How are the hot Sweden girls" Nixon would say :)

02-10-2018, 07:33 PM
This Tagore guy seems to have it all figured out!

Anxiety is not easy to deal with - considering how our surroundings and conditions look like in this generation, it seems there's more pressure on us. Maybe not on the superficial but within us. We do have more information and we do have more treatments regarding anxiety but it seems like we're stacking on both sides, if that makes sense. But I'm sure you'll find a way, you're smart and strong! :) Wish you nothing but the best!

"How are the hot Sweden girls" - Hahaha! Is Nixon still around? :D

02-10-2018, 08:03 PM
Nixon showed himself few days ago posted in welcome and that it, he is gone, He deactivated his fb account so I do not see him, I have contact with Jesse from time to time, and few girls from here, The old people I mean I am old but the old members I see here, Gypsy, Ponder and that would be about it, Kirk is here for some time too.
Yeah AliasEQ nothing bad can happen to us, the end is the same for everyone, just some go faster some stay longer,;)