View Full Version : This is an odd re occuring thing!

11-24-2008, 12:05 PM
I know i posted about this before but this is just so strange to me..

This is has happened to me a tottal of 4 times now.

Usualy when people start to feel anxiouse they feel nervouse...sweaty palms, heart racing, throat feeling like its going to close ect..

But latley my body just skips all those steps as if there no use because ive learned how to cope with them and i get REALLY naseaus on anxiouse impact and puke!

This keeps happening! The other day i met up with my friends and i kept telling myself "im fine, im fine" the whole way there to prepare myself. I felt perfectly fine when i got there. But then BAM as soon as i started talking to my friends i had to puke. This is insane.

Now this has turned into more of a fear of just being anxiouse, its turned into a fear of "wow, i hope i dont feel anxiouse and up chuck!"

Its embarrasing...I start working at a very credible place in January and ive been waiting about 4 months to work there...What if i feel like i have to throw up at my new job?

Any suggestions on how to cope with this new side effect?