View Full Version : Discussion: How do you difference your symptoms from similar illnesses?

01-25-2018, 09:01 AM
I was just wondering how you guys diference the symptoms from your illnesses, for example, i have social anxiety, hypochondria, and adhd (so far i know). The things is they all have common symptoms like, irritabilty, trouble concentrating, t falling asleep. But sometimes i dont know if it is because anxiety and adhd working together or that im getting into depression again. Its actually hard for me to express myself for some reason, but i think you guys get it.
So how about you?

01-25-2018, 05:55 PM
Well for about two years I was sure that i am getting panic attacks , it was low blood glucose, It is so easy to mistake with panic attack, Then panic attack is difficult to different from heart attack, Anxiety is a bitch. Especially health anxiety, we all have it.
When I am anxious I do have difficulties to focus on task, I definitely have some ocd, and some kind of dyslexia, on top of that anxiety ,
I do not have depression, but sadness is present in my life so are mood swings,
Right now I am drinking White tea; Silver Needle and it slowly calms me down......... I had lived in Spain in Guadalaja for almost two years, there is nothing better than paella ;)
I had lived in Tortola de Henares :)

01-26-2018, 01:58 AM
By addressing the root causes that led to the labels. The less I focus on the labels, the more I am able to find and face the causes.

01-28-2018, 01:28 PM
It's hard to describe but I just know that it is anxiety. It paralyses me completely, while illness just makes life more difficult, but it usually passes after a while.