View Full Version : I lied to my therapist out of panic... now what?

01-22-2018, 10:09 AM
I was finally able to get an appointment and meet a therapist at the beginning of this month. During the interview (or consultation?), the therapist began explaining certain situations that he would be required to report, and because of that, I panicked. Afraid I would be committed or have some other situation impede my life, I lied to him; I lied about my depression, I lied about my apathy, I lied about the hopelessness I feel, and I lied about a few other things. What do I do now? How can he even trust what I say? I think I dug myself into a hole here, now I'm not sure how to get out of it.

01-22-2018, 11:44 AM
2 options. Tell him exaclty what you wrote, (u panicked all that) and he will understand bc he studied or get another one and tell the truth from begining.

01-24-2018, 03:11 AM
this is my first post...
Just decided to post bcz I had kind of similar situation.
I have recently started seeing therapist and I did lie to her about some things, I couldn't figure what was important and what wasn't. I felt that she took me wrong, she didn't understand my main problem, because I pretended it was not that important. And I didn't say her anything in the beginning but the next session I just said that I thought that we had set wrong goals, and that I dind't want to speak about what she tried to make me speak, but I told her what really seemed important for me to discuss...I feel that I write too complicated:) Anyway, I think it's OK to change mind, to say that last time you panicked and didn't mention exactly the whole situation, iy's therapist's job to listen to you, noone will judge you. Otherwise why to see a therapist if you can't tell him/her some things.

01-24-2018, 12:24 PM
I see him again in February, I'm hoping by that point I stop worrying about it and just come right out and tell him everything. This may end up being a trust building exercise, which is something that really takes me time. Funny, were I posting it to him anonymously, I could come right out and say everything.

01-24-2018, 02:03 PM
I see him again in February, I'm hoping by that point I stop worrying about it and just come right out and tell him everything. This may end up being a trust building exercise, which is something that really takes me time. Funny, were I posting it to him anonymously, I could come right out and say everything.

Well I panic and did not tell anything important to my psychiatrist too, I can not tell her everything about me............... I am old, at this moment but you try not to do the same mistake , it is better to work this with your therapist, Good luck and I think you will be great

01-24-2018, 05:42 PM
Pretty sad when you can't trust the systems that's meant to help.

Point and Case to all I have said re the system and it's professionals.

I don't see people I can't trust. If I do, it's just a means to an end and something I work towards making a rare event. Sadly some of them make things worse as well as make some beg.

01-27-2018, 12:32 PM
Hi i understand that when you're going to see a therapist that you're panic not knowing how much to divulge you're best option like other members have said go and explain why you didn't open up about all you're issues for fear of the outcome and you will need to work on learning to trust him one step at a time