View Full Version : Pains?

01-10-2018, 02:29 PM
So, I'll try to be quick about this. Starting around 3 days ago, I had a really sharp, sort of all over pain in my chest that lasted a few seconds, quit, and then happened again, and then quit. It all only lasted a few seconds but it did worry me. Fast forward a couple of days and I'm now having shooting pains in my back as well. Mostly upper around the shoulder blades and spine, but some lower left pain as well. Some feels sharp, like a knife is being driven through my back and I can feel it in my chest. Some of it is a sharp achey feeling like something you would feel from touching something much too cold. I've resolved to schedule an appointment with a message therapist and see if it helps, but it is still very concerning to me and I'm anxious about the pain. I'll be honest, I'm most worried about a heart attack. Help?

01-10-2018, 04:06 PM
Oh yeah, I guess it's worth mentioning im 17

01-18-2018, 07:11 PM
Always best to get it checked before anyone gives you advice,

But if ther3 is anything I can add it will be try to stay calm during these feelings, and maybe know that if it is a panic attack that these are the symptoms tha come with a panic attack, it’s mad because I get pains when I get a attack on my right side, and I say to myself “well it’s not my left side” so I’ll be ok, then my mind starts playing tricks with me because I’m so worried that the pain might go to my left it actually does.... then it fades away like it always does.

But that’s the game we play with anxiety! Just gotta battle it in our minds

Good luck!