View Full Version : Making a small thing into a big thing

01-10-2018, 01:27 PM
My anxiety has been through the roof for the past few months.
I thought I was slowly starting to get back to how I was and it’s gone out of control again.

Had a strange thing happen today. Maybe not strange to everyone but it’s really made me anxious.

Had someone tag me on Facebook about a lost purse.
Then got an email from police to say they had found my purse. I wasn’t sure if it was legit but when I went down it was my purse!
Someone had stolen it out of my car in the last couple of days.
For some reason this had made me really anxious and I feel like everyone has an agenda or they are all against me. I’m really struggling.
I feel constantly worried that something is going to happen and I’m struggling to deal with it. I just want to sleep all the time and not do anything

Has anyone got any advice over the constant worry?

01-10-2018, 02:12 PM
Having your purse stolen and then returned isn't an everyday event and I can see how it has become a focus for your anxiety. The bottom line, of course, is that something good happened to you - you got your purse back, but I know its hard to focus just on the good thing that happened and ignore all the other imaginings. I am walking like mad these days to help with my anxiety. Don't know if that would work for you. Sure hope that you will soon be able to let go of this. Hang in there.

01-24-2018, 09:35 PM
appreciate much

01-24-2018, 09:38 PM
small things

01-24-2018, 09:40 PM
small things before big things

01-24-2018, 09:41 PM
way to go lets appreciate everything

01-25-2018, 04:11 AM
I know that this is difficult, but try to focus your attention on positive things. There is a very good exercise that helped me.
You need every evening make a list of good things that happened to you during the day. Try it!