View Full Version : Assessment for autism

01-06-2018, 04:30 PM
Hi ive been suffering for many years with anxiety and depression i also have fibromyalgia i have recently been assessed for being on the autistic spectrum the doctor seen to think its possible i have asbergers as i have struggled with understanding life and people im just waiting for the results from the tests it isn't helping my anxiety all this waiting to find out im in my late fortys i guess it will help me understand why ive had such a challenging life

01-06-2018, 08:31 PM
About to turn 49 this end and undergoing a diagnosis for ASD in Adults. I already have a certificate (Big requirement these days) for Social Phobia, Major Depressive Disorder, GAD, Bipolar lvl whatever, Agoraphobia and and basically all the other sub categories these new age fang dangled Anxiety and Mental Health Forums use. My grandson has thankfully been getting early intervention which is a great help. Hopefully he will avoid the stress that comes with not being understood.

All I can say Twichard, is that yes for me learning about the different elements within the new system termed ASD Autistic Spectral Disorder (http://www.autism-help.org/adults-diagnosis-aspergers.htm), does help me to understand how the world works, not just myself. It really is a case of not fitting into a world with so many set ways of doing things/conditions. In many ways, it has shown me just how neurotypical (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurotypical)people are more limited than those of us with unique perspectives.

At any rate no matter what the label ... it's good to understand how one ticks as well as others. Just bare in mind ASD is not universal in traits as commonly indoctrinated with various professionals and also suffers looking to find common traits. In other words reading into it will not shed as much truth as coming to know through one's personal experience. Therefore it's really important to be very active in one's diagnosis in relation to Adult ASD. Otherwise the room for misdiagnosis is huge. ASD in Adults is a very tricky thing. My DX is taking quite a long time. I'm in no rush. I have been told several times to expect a some form of confirmation as is mostly paper work from said professionals opinion. That said I am not counting on it.

All I know is that with the current stigma on mental health labels, ASD will be a welcoming label for me. It's pretty much how I have been fumbling through my life with good success I might had - minus the disorder of neurotypical types that compound the existence for us blessed types ... lol

Yea man ... it does help to know how these traits come about and how they effect certain individuals. Just be careful with the drama of any label as there are a lot of groups currently not happy with 'their' label being extended into the Asperger category. That's another story. As soon as I was approached about being Asperger (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperger_syndrome)like it made a lot of sense for me. However I don't see it as much a disorder as I do for the wold of normality. I'll take whatever label though because that's what is required not to be as abused by those outside the circle of no credentials. Those outside the net ... man ... normality has a way of ending them quick.

Nothing wrong with being special (http://autismmythbusters.com/general-public/famous-autistic-people/). Highly recommended when you contrasted with normal. :)

01-07-2018, 09:19 AM
One of my friends is Asperger, he is struggling, this is why we know about so he gets the support, he is not here of course, different forum which does not have anything to do with anxiety . He is struggling but slowly following his dreams, beside that he is a genius photographer, The part of world he lives is not as forgiving as you see it here.
You know now about yourself so you can ajust your plans and goals.
I wish you good luck and happiness. From the bottom of my heart

01-08-2018, 05:33 AM
Thanks for the support im just waiting for the outcome so i now one way or the other

01-21-2018, 01:35 PM
Hi i will find out on Friday if im on the spectrum as i have an appointment to get my results so it will maybe relieve some of my anxiety finding out the answer

01-21-2018, 05:37 PM
A DX for me would actually be a good thing with regards to that. It's not what most people think. It would also explain a lot! For me that is. It's not a condition that requires 'must have meds' In fact the methodology with - fitting in - is more about behavioral strategies for those with lower grades ... example ASD 2 ... depends on other accompanying forms of - or - if any - inabilities. There is much those with anxiety and depression could learn from the addressing of various spectrums of ASD.

Just thinking out loud ... can't stop today. :) I must email my therapist and get the ball rolling myself. We are in the process ... ran out of funding. An issues to soon be remedied.

Hope you get what your looking for.

01-22-2018, 04:19 AM
Hi, how are you doing? The cause of autism is not really known. There is some evidence that it may be passed down in families. Twins and brothers have a higher chance of also being autistic.

01-23-2018, 11:47 PM
Both my so and daughter are on the spectrum although my son has more complicated health problems he suffers from dravet syndrome i was assessed in November after ny councillor referred me when for the first time i opened up just how difficult i have found life and understanding certain things at 47 is a bit strange to be going through these things but only Two day's until i get the answer

01-27-2018, 12:22 PM
Well i have had my report on the assessment for asd although I have many traits that are present in autism the assessment team think the difficulties i have relates to the post traumatic stress disorder I've been diagnosed with and the terrible up brining i had with a alcoholic and schizophrenic mother and all the stress my wife and i have been through with my son's poor health we have nearly lost him several times it was his will to live that kept him with us thank god so hopefully with the therapists i can move forward with my life and learn new coping strategies to get skills to manage my anxiety and panic attacks

01-27-2018, 02:20 PM
Hi Twitchard, although I don't know you or your case, that result does not surprise me. Past trauma makes ASD dxing for adults or older individuals quite a complex affair. I'm thinking of giving up my DX assessment or just caring less about it due to the manner in people are often dismissed re those trauma experiences. I beleive it's more a cop out ... a calling card ... to use trauma experiences to dismiss the harder work of helping older individuals with processing difficulties that would do well to be treated from an ASD perspective.

That's just my take - I have a history of it in my family and don't need a teams approval to act on what ASD therapies I beleive will help. I'm going to start paying my own way on that front as is the only way to bypass the trauma based calling cards. I've seen that get in the way of a lot of favorable treatments when looking for government funding. Is the way many of them are taught to prioritize down on the welfare level. You simply don't get the same standard of treatment. Of course trauma experience does indeed shadow the variable used to label ... I'm talking more about the qualtiy of assessment and resulting treatments.

Best of luck with the therapist. Be sure to know the strategies that you adopt. Also be sure you are the one to adopt them and learn them well. No doubt you will if true healing is your goal. Be careful with regards to meeting the so called approval ratings if your using government funded assistance/programs to help pay your way. If your paying for yourself, then your no doubt your off to a good start with wanting to help yourself. It's good to have assistance - but nothing beats doing the work yourself.

Best wishes to your moving on.

01-27-2018, 03:36 PM
Thanks for you're advice the way i see it now is i have a starting point they explained although i have many traits why i didn't fill the criteria to do with my interaction during the assessment it was videod and a team of professionals made the decision not just one person this is how they do it in the uk

01-27-2018, 08:30 PM
Too many cooks spoil the broth.


01-28-2018, 07:17 AM
My goal is to try and deal with thing's that have tried to bury with many years of cannabis use to try stopping the awful memories that have haunted me for year's although I stopped smoking 5 year's ago and all the memories that i had subdued have came back overwhelming me added to with my son and daughters health problems i want ro be strong dor them and my wife instead of the wreck I've become