View Full Version : Intrusive thoughts...please help!

11-23-2008, 02:49 PM
I take medication for an existing anxiety disorder that has previously left me debilitated.

I have met a wonderful partner and really feel its special for the first time. We get on brilliantly and everything is great (apart from the normal ups and downs!)

I have a horrible and irrational fear of breaking up that has suddenly kicked in 11 months in. At times I am even convincing myself that its virtually over. Last week I got into a huff after we went to meet an old friend bearing in mind that he rarely goes out, and I had this fear that he was getting bored of me. I went to bed that night and had an anxiety attack after getting myself into a state! I found myself having intrusive thoughts where I was contemplating having to deal with the breakup of a great relationship. Except, we weren't breaking up!

I think its because he never goes out with friends as he is a musician so prefers to spend free time with me or writing music, and I got it into my head that he was going off me!

These thoughts are so real and take over your mind, like you're going mad!Lucky for me I chatted to my Mum the next day (who is incredibly intuitive and bright) who told me that there is no way this relationship is going to end as we 'clearly adore each other.'

Please help as I don't want to wreck this relationship by pushing him away. I have done it before when I have acted very coldly as a sort of self defence mechanism and walked away from a relationship out of fear!

Its not good and I'd love some advice on how to stop it!

Thanks Guys. xx

P.S He popped to the shop just and came back with flowers for me! He's always done stuff like this as well as talking about marriage etc. I just fear he's making it all up for some unbeknown reason!!!

11-25-2008, 01:31 PM

11-25-2008, 10:11 PM
i am sorry that no one has replied to your post yet. i can tell you i have alot of irrational/intrustive thoughts about my relationship as well, both afraid he will leave me or i will leave him etc. i relate 199% that these thoughts feel SO real and sometimes they feel so real that i almost act on them, which is NO GOOD. my family and boyfriend tell me they are irrational but sometimes i just dont believe ANYBODY. its just really a matter of fighting them and knowing that soon, things will be ok, and it takes time. you should consider seeing a couselor though because that seems to help me a bit and makes it easier to realize im being irrational.